There’s no way we can lose popularity as Government, we are still loved – Thabo  Kawana


There’s no way we can lose popularity as Government, we are still loved – Kawana

INFORMATION and Media Permanent Secretary Thabo Kawana says there is no way Government can lose popularity as it is the one in charge.

Speaking on Prime TV’s Oxygen of Democracy yesterday, Kawana stated that people are appreciative of what Government is doing for the country in terms of resource mobilisation and distribution.

“There is no way we can lose popularity, this government is so loved by its people, in terms of the new dawn Government, there is no way we can lose popularity as a Government. We are the ones that are in charge of resource mobilisation and distribution. So, the people are able to see that even where there is hunger, even where there are problems, the Government is there distributing relief food, relief maize and so on.”

“So, you cannot claim that this Government has lost popularity. This Government is not unpopular, this Government is so loved by its people that are able to speak in terms of various programmes we are doing. They are  appreciative of the Government,” stated Kawana.

When asked if he could comment on the UPND’s popularity, he reiterated that he is not a UPND spokesperson but a Government worker who can only speak on matters concerning Government.

Kawana added that those with querries concerning the UPND must engage the party’s spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa.

Next month, the new dawn administration turns three years since it took office and questions on whether they have delivered on their promises are rising.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, July 24, 2024


  1. Extract from Catherine Pules story

    Kalemba, July 24, 2024

    Your write- up ends with

    Next month, the new dawn administration turns three years since it took office and questions on whether they have delivered on their promises are rising.

    This week on oxygen of democracy featured Mr. Thabo Kawana- Permanent Secretary for Information and Media. There were quite a number of issues that the PS and the moderator discussed including the above but also the issue of reshuffles that the President did and on this one I really didn’t know what the Journalist wanted the PS to say especially that the PS did his level best to attend to this question but because it was repeatedly asked and the interviewer even went as far as saying, “by doing that was the New Dawn government not insulting the intelligent of Zambians” and the PS laboured to say, PRESIDENT HH is not the first president who have made reshuffles or changes at ministerial level all the successful presidents have done so but if it is different from the current President then he don’t know, he said. Honestly speaking, wisely and knowledgeably speaking, changes at ministerial level is not an insult to any one because the PRESIDENT is Constitutionally mandated to do so or make changes at any level unless otherwise.

    The other issue was on the ZAMMSA issue again the journalist was asking as if he was paid and sent by the enemy of development repeatedly asked the same question from all angles but the PS was calm and cool and answered as per information obtaining while the other angles of the media source is always and by all means trying to destroy the dissemination of information by mostly not always but mostly trying to feed society with wrongs and lies which is very dangerous and unfortunate.

    Coming to the above story, I am trying to establish the exactly glimpse, why out of all that was discussed but lady Pule just decided to pull and spread that part of, “UPND is loved by its people because it is doing and have done quite alot,” which to my understanding is true though from the mixing of information by the journalist, was and are looking at high cost of living generally put in one basket ( expensive fuel which is igniting all commodity prices to go up it being being the vehicle, high cost of meal mill, high transportation costs and kwacha depreciation to mention but a few). As not fulfilling the promises. These economic graphic can easily be changed and could go down once the production and supply side of equation goes up because we will have enough for ourselves as a Country that we can not even be able to consume hence reducing the cost of food while other players that arr shooting on red have also the spanners to use in order to adjust them, but it is just a matter of time

    For fuel there a number of factors that contribute to the high cost of fuel one of it being the strength of the local currency and the other major one being what is happening in and on the global markert place and the wars in certain parts of the world. These are things that this government is quite well aware of or knows and they have the formular on how to fix them.
    But apart from the ones we have just touched, I can still itemise some of the milestones, the great achievements this government have scored, among them,
    1. Free education. It was one of their promises and they have and are doing it
    2. Restoration of meal allowances for university students. They have done it and it was one of their campaign promises.
    3. Increased CDF allocation and they have done it and it was one of their campaign promises
    4. Employment creation they have and are still doing it and it was one of their campaign promises
    5. Restoration of the rule of law and stopping cadrerism they have done it and still doing so though their could be some few elements but it is well compared to the PF snake leadership error.
    6. Unifying the country. They have done so and still working tylesily to unite the country in the midst of the snake group of Emmanuel Mwamba, Munir Zulu, mutototo Kafwaya, Nakachinda, Mundubile and other PF elements.
    7. Increase on the number of children accessing loans and bursaries to the public Universities.
    8. Development of the whole country without segregation. They are doing so. Schools, hospitals, roads are being done in every province without segregation.
    9. A cabinet consisting of members from all the ten Provinces of Zambia. They have done it.
    10. Debt restructuring which the PF crested and failed to achieve but UPND have done so. While many other things they promised to do not in a day or week but in their first term in office they are still doing so. In their first five years term in Office and almost clocking three years now but what they have done is being seen otherwise visible.

    You mean as a Journalist all these is nothing?. Surely even if you hate someone this is not the way we live.

  2. UPND government is still loved by the people and so far so good however, this should not be taken for granted.The government needs to work extra hard to satisfy it’s people.Zambia is vast each and every region has what is troubling and may be needed urgently those or such things need to be addressed urgently.Human resource some need employment let that be addressed to acceptable level even if it may not be easy.The former workers and Mr Kawana let me take this opportunity to talk about retirees.Mr Kawana about the year 2000 a lot of civil servants were retired on voluntary and national interest we talk of huge number like ten thousand these were retired on HIPIC program and alot have not been paid their money.When they got retired they were paid less money using wrong formula they took the matter to court after taking the Attorney General to court and the court ruled in their favour.These people are not happy because they have not been paid up to now.Mr Kawana pension money is good when paid once and for all.Now with this depreciation of kwacha and it is almost 25 years now they will end up getting nothing.The PF under ECL paid a good number but a lot more still remain un paid.What was paid to them was too little it is as good as not having been unpaid.What they are given now is what they call pension but it is not fourth coming.Please get the information from Attorney General and Ministry of Finance as well as Justice Ministry.When these people come out to protest your government will be seen as liars because pronouncements have been heard that all have been given when infact not.The number is still big.The Minister of Finance could have been a Permanent Secretary then so he is knowledgeable about this matter
    Please take this matter serious Sir.These are among the people who gave support to UPND with the hope of getting their money.

  3. Extract from Catherine Pules story

    Kalemba, July 24, 2024

    Your write- up ends with

    Next month, the new dawn administration turns three years since it took office and questions on whether they have delivered on their promises are rising.

    This week on oxygen of democracy featured Mr. Thabo Kawana- Permanent Secretary for Information and Media. There were quite a number of issues that the PS and the moderator discussed including the above but also the issue of reshuffles that the President did and on this one I really didn’t know what the Journalist wanted the PS to say especially that the PS did his level best to attend to this question but because it was repeatedly asked and the interviewer even went as far as saying, “by doing that was the New Dawn government not insulting the intelligent of Zambians” and the PS laboured to say, PRESIDENT HH is not the first president who have made reshuffles or changes at ministerial level all the successful presidents have done so but if it is different from the current President then he don’t know, he said. Honestly speaking, wisely and knowledgeably speaking, changes at ministerial level is not an insult to any one because the PRESIDENT is Constitutionally mandated to do so or make changes at any level unless otherwise.

    The other issue was on the ZAMMSA issue again the journalist was asking as if he was paid and sent by the enemy of development repeatedly asked the same question from all angles but the PS was calm and cool and answered as per information obtaining while the other angles of the media source is always and by all means trying to destroy the dissemination of information by mostly not always but mostly trying to feed society with wrongs and lies which is very dangerous and unfortunate.

    Coming to the above story, I am trying to establish the exactly glimpse, why out of all that was discussed but lady Pule just decided to pull and spread that part of, “UPND is loved by its people because it is doing and have done quite alot,” which to my understanding is true though from the mixing of information by the journalist, was and are looking at high cost of living generally put in one basket ( expensive fuel which is igniting all commodity prices to go up it being being the vehicle, high cost of meal mill, high transportation costs and kwacha depreciation to mention but a few). As not fulfilling the promises. These economic graphic can easily be changed and could go down once the production and supply side of equation goes up because we will have enough for ourselves as a Country that we can not even be able to consume hence reducing the cost of food while other players that arr shooting on red have also the spanners to use in order to adjust them, but it is just a matter of time

    For fuel there a number of factors that contribute to the high cost of fuel one of it being the strength of the local currency and the other major one being what is happening in and on the global markert place and the wars in certain parts of the world. These are things that this government is quite well aware of or knows and they have the formular on how to fix them.
    But apart from the ones we have just touched, I can still itemise some of the milestones, the great achievements this government have scored, among them,
    1. Free education. It was one of their promises and they have and are doing it
    2. Restoration of meal allowances for university students. They have done it and it was one of their campaign promises.
    3. Increased CDF allocation and they have done it and it was one of their campaign promises
    4. Employment creation they have and are still doing it and it was one of their campaign promises
    5. Restoration of the rule of law and stopping cadrerism they have done it and still doing so though their could be some few elements but it is well compared to the PF snake leadership error.
    6. Unifying the country. They have done so and still working tylesily to unite the country in the midst of the snake group of Emmanuel Mwamba, Munir Zulu, mutototo Kafwaya, Nakachinda, Mundubile and other PF elements.
    7. Increase on the number of children accessing loans and bursaries to the public Universities.
    8. Development of the whole country without segregation. They are doing so. Schools, hospitals, roads are being done in every province without segregation.
    9. A cabinet consisting of members from all the ten Provinces of Zambia. They have done it.
    10. Debt restructuring which the PF crested and failed to achieve but UPND have done so. While many other things they promised to do not in a day or week but in their first term in office they are still doing so. In their first five years term in Office and almost clocking three years now but what they have done is being seen otherwise visible.

    You mean as a Journalist all these is nothing?. Surely even if you hate someone this is not the way we live.

  4. This cadre PS is one of the reasons UPND will lose some ground. He should learn to keep his mouth shut and let the minister do the talking. He is a civil servant.

    He should not be cocksure about the popularity of UPND. Don’t take the people for granted.

    Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

  5. Kawana the big time liar now living in denial. If you continue burying your head in the sand like PF did then you will also go the PF way.


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