The Story That ACC Is Investing Ministers Is Fake-Peter Sinkamba

Peter Sinkamba

By Peter Sinkamba


Yesterday, I posted a comment on this Facebook status describing as lies the notion that ACC is investigating any minister.

The statement by ACC, that it was investigating ministers, was just some PR stunt aimed at image building after the embarrassing fallout following Dr Kaamba’s revelation of grand corruption within the organization. If fact, this fallout is the most embarrassing moment for the organization since its establishment more than 40 years ago.

The Information Minister Cornelius Mweetwa has implicitly confirmed my theory. Put simply, no minister is being investigated. The ACC portfolio is in the presidency. Therefore, there is no way that HH can investigate and embarrass himself.


  1. Very true Hichilema can not investigate himself! He’s the ACC himself so how foolish can he be to investigate himself? But time will come when he will be investigated by the next government. Right now he thinks government is very stupid, he is doing anything he wants. The Americans say “Democracy by the people for the people. . . “! So whether Hichilema likes it or not power lies with people of Zambia, not him! He can be pompous and stubborn now, using Zambia Police Force, to control Zambians, but time will come when he will have no police force to use to control anybody. The same police will instead arrest him.

  2. Just offer proper checks and balances.These innuendos or rumor mongering will not help the country.This is like chasing the wind or own shadow.A country will not develop if we just dwell on rumors and lies each day we work up.Let us try to focus on developmental issues not just imaginations that don’t have proper meaning.It looks like the Minister was not gotten clearly.Let us focus on other important things affecting the people so that we may have a better tomorrow.In your own thinking you can even want to see a list of Ministers being investigated? The president doesn’t work alone if anything even you are part of people working with him by telling him correct things.Now if we shall just be wailing like passengers in a sinking ship then we are not heading any where.You people is there any thing to burgain for in this matter.Let us not being childish.You will wait for that list until you wait no more.This corruption on Ministers is truly a political riddle that is intended to smear the good image that the government has for it’s people.And you just want to divate the government from focussing on pressing issues that affect the nation You mean we don’t have any important things to deal with.While verifications are happening on these matters let’s work.People of Zambia are in a hurry for development not fable stories you want to subject them to.Please leave the Minister and let him work on other important and pending issues.


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