By Mark Simuuwe

It has become a habit  for Former President Edgar Lungu to sympathize with lawbreakers at the expense  of the rule of law .

His utterances over some arrests of those he either worked with or those he intends to hoodwink that they are politically together , even when they break the law must concern all of us .

In a very lukewarm and lopsided casual approach to a clearly straight forward matter of a criminal nature , Edgar Lungu is pretending to discuss our democratic space when  his hands are bloodstained with innocent souls he sacrificed for the love of power .

While ECL is trying to cheat citizens , Nsama Nsama  and Joseph Kaunda are no more .They were killed under his watch. Citizens were gassed .

We have not also forgotten that Lawrence Banda  and Mapenzi Chibulo are late and they will never come back as ECL dreams of coming back to sacrifice more citizens to his satisfaction.

Today , ECL wants to claim that the arrest of Fred M’membe has to do with democracy when he should be confronting the criminal element by arguing  from the point of law as a lawyer .

There is no unconditional release on criminal matters . ECL is already demonstrating his appetite to break the law assuming he came back to power by accident , which  accident cannot   also happen .

Instead , ECL must focus on justice and  not hypothetically  calling for sympathy .

We all know that ECL is the father of tyranny, lawbreaking and arbitrary arrests in Zambia as such , he is even a wrong person to talk about democracy.

As the saying goes , uwakalema takaleka ( old habits die hard) . And another which goes ,” you can’t teach an old dog new tricks “. Edgar Lungu will never change . It is too late for him to change given his age .

The arrests currently being seen are a matter of a question of what law has been broken by Fred and not whether he must be unconditionally released .

To call for unconditional release of suspects is a clear call to law breaking by a person who claims to be a lawyer .

ECL is a  Staunch dictator, law breaker   and a  tyrant  who can never  change and this is why he wants a lawless society in which criminals are allowed to roam the streets and break the law with impunity without being arrested .

This is why it was fashionable at his time for criminals of corruption, gassing , money laundering , fire tenders , suspicious 48 houses , ambulances , ghost workers , council workers without grade 12 certificates , illegal Mukula dealers, Ukwa bag businessmen and gun brandishing bloody carders to be walking around without being arrested .

There was a break down in the rule of law under his leadership because all criminals idolized criminality.

It was appetizing for ECL to see blood in the country at the hand of men and women in uniform.

We want to call upon all meaningful Zambians to reject this call to lawlessness . We must call for respect for the law and not willful breaking of laws as ECL  is used to .

Ends //


  1. Remove his “cocoon” so that he answers to the allegations and charges. You are wasting time. Table the “metamorphosis process” of Lungu in parliament.

  2. Ba UPND consultant you are an intellectual stop talking too much.Your integrity must be maintained.Allow other people that consult from you speak first then chip in to advise and summarize as a consultant.Focus on your role and title of a consultant.
    You have everything that it takes.

  3. ECL, wants to portray that he has powers of a President.He comes out as if he is still the President of this country.He wants to show that he loves the people of Zambia and they love him such that he starts claiming that they want him back yet not.And he seems not to understand the limitations of his immunity.Dr Kaunda’s immunity was never removed but we saw him taken to court over nationality though I personally disliked that and it was wrong.We saw him being taken to Mukobeko and many Zambians and even foreigners and Presidents of many countries didn’t like it at all.This did not show respect to the former Head of state.The Constitution of Zambia has never ever amended the part concerning immunity.The way Dr Kaunda was treated can actually be done to him if Dr Hichilema was that bad.And many of us Zambians would like to see ECL being given maximum respect that can be given to a former Head of State.Now the way ECL is carrying him self may attract some reaction that may see him lose much of the respect from the people.I personally feel the former Head of State and even other former leaders in our country deserve maximum respect.Therefor atmost respect he gives to the people will be resprocated accordingly.Epo mpelele mukwai.I end here.

    • Your comments in relation to respect are indeed plausible. I will emphasise that if ECL expects to be given the respect normally accorded to a former President, he must earn that respect. If he continues to behave in the manner he has been behaving lately, he risks losing all the respect he is currently enjoying.

  4. The article’s quality is evidently influenced by a cadre viewpoint. The author receives substantial government backing, making him compliant. He is a biddable man. In contrast, Sakhaile Sakhaile offers a more impartial perspective.

  5. ECL is opposition. Let him speak.

    In fact, ECL is a lot more respectful than the tribalist conman was in opposition. The conman told many lies, made many promises. We have all come to see for ourselves how impotent he is. He is just a tribalist conman sponsored by LGBT masters, who has trippled cost of living while making his corrupt friends and family very wealthy.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • My friend Zambia does not belong to Edger Lungu and PF. Edger Lungu is already mentally finished.The next President after HH in 2031 will be a young neutral and sober minded person again not from the gang of criminals.
      Most of these PF noise makers who are known by their criminal characteristics will be already diminished.
      I have personally regreted voting twice for Edger Lungu.

  6. This Edgar ancestor is an A-s-s-h-o-l-e. He should be riding horses and feeding peacocks and his farm. But ka mudala aka li suku.


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