UPND wake up. You are not running a church organisation


Kaingu Wakung’uma writes:

Just listened to Wynter Kabimba’s address on movie (Muvi) TV regarding how the current political wrangles are increasingly becoming an internal security concern in this country. The man spoke like a statesman. Among the key notes to me were that:

1. ‘The voices that are sympathising with criminality in this country especially on social media are stronger than those that are condemning it’.

2. ‘If you think that JJ Banda is operating alone, you should not be in politics’.

3. ‘I want to be a voice that speaks against these evil schemes in my country…I do not want my children to live in an unstable country because of selfish politicians. If this country goes into flames, all these opposition politicians will flee the country with their families and it’s the common Zambians who will suffered, like the recent happenings in Sudan’.

4. ‘We cannot allow criminals, using JJ Banda as a front, to bring instability in this country’.

5. ‘UPND wake up. You are not running a church organisation. You are government and are running a country’.

The last point echoes what I said a few months ago, which is that if UPND were a human being, in lozi we would refer to such as ‘ulobezi pilu’.

And as usual because ‘balobezi lipilu’, I doubt they will even take Winter Kabimba’s timely advice with the seriousness it deserves.

Lastly, in addition to Dr. Nevers Mumba, I’m glad that we have at least one more prominent politician who is genuinely concerned about the calibre of the current crop of opposition political leaders in the country. The writing is on the wall; that they all do not have the interest of this country at heart. Period!


  1. Straight to the point, truly the opposition don’t have the national interest at heart with them, their main interest is just power.They want to condem everything and spread falsehood.They don’t seem to be sleeping, they do come up with different plans.The only good part is that God has not allowed them to manage their bad plans.And people of Zambia are too sharp to understand things.You can imagine countless attempts have happened to cause confusion but Zambians are able to reason and throw rabish far away.When calprits are discovered and they realize they ran away.

  2. How do you want someone who was kidnapped, people found him for you, then while while guarding you went sleeping. So who should waste their time and energy to find him for you again? Idiots!

  3. Upnd left criminals in the positions that were gifted to them by pf criminals. Upnd just talking too much while allowing known criminals to dare them. It’s sad indeed. Emmanue mwamba, lieing day and night, fabricating stories with impunity.


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