Nebula George Heinz Aircraft Manufacturing is not listed anywhere and has no digital footprint- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba  writes:

Phantom Aircraft Manufacturer

This company, Nebula George Heinz Aircraft Manufacturing is not listed anywhere and has no digital footprint!

A mere search reveals nothing on Google, except some entries from Zambia’s own pages.

The comoany seems to have established a LinkedIn page just now iwth 72 followers which is far too little for a company of this size.

Someone must stop this Albert Halwampa from engaging the nation in his hallucinations.

Aircraft Manufacturing to be set up in Zambia -ZDA

After announcing an investment debacle of $72billion and six million hectares of land to be given to a vietnamese investor, Zambia Development Agency, Director General, Albert Halwampa is back with another grandiose project. He says ZDA has found an investor that will set up an aircraft manufacturing plant in Zambia.

Belwo is the ZDA story.

Nebula George Heinz Aircraft Manufacturing Plans to Setup Manufacturing Plant in Zambia

Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Director General Mr. Albert Halwampa met with Nebula George Heinz Aircraft Manufacturing a company that wants to set up an aircraft manufacturing plant in Zambia.


  1. Is Aircraft manufacturing a priority in a poverty striken hungry nation?
    What kind of madness is this from Halwampa?
    It’s like the entire New Doom government has lost its marbles cutting corrupt deals like the Chiawa Zambeef Farm scandal!
    I think 3 years is enough for these guys! They have done too much damage already!
    Let’s impeach these thieves now before it’s too late for Zambia!

    • The owners of the capital to be invested choose the area they want to invest in, not the ZDA, or as you have put it, Albert Halwampa. What say can he possibly have when the money is not his? My only criticism of the ZDA is the premature publicity. It serves no purpose. Let’s be measured in the way we discuss issues.

      • From some comments on this matter one easily tell that we need some enlightenment regarding production of goods. One don’t have to be a consumer of the product they produce as long as they have a market for it. The obvious case in point is the copper Zambia produces, we don’t it consume but export it. So to say an aircraft manufacturing plant should not be set up in the country just because we are in “poverty” does not make sense. What if the manufacturer want to serve countries in the region and africa with planes they manufacturer in Zambia and have identified Zambia to have present a more competitive advantage to their investment, won’t it benefit the country in terms of job creation and foreign exchange revenue? Of course whether the investment is true of not that not the problem but critising the investment of this type is really sad should it turn out to be true.

        • You have said it as it should be. Zambia has worse problems than I thought. The owner of the capital chooses the sector they want to invest it in, not ZDA, not HH, not even ECL would have had a say. So simple and straightforward but it’s still beyond the ability of some people to grasp.

          • This is praise singing that went to private school. Lusambo would be proud of these bootlickers.

            Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Bwamba at it again still talking 6m hectares which never existed and now more rubbish. Did the “kobold” owned by gates et el have any footprint in mining or it’s your idiot self bringing up anything anyhow???

  3. Halwampa may be learned but not useful to Zambians. This govt is missing more sensitive areas to touch.I have reservations for projects like this one.Does Zambia really have priorities I wonder ? What impact shall this project have on our people economically ? Anyway such is Zambia today.When did anyone last hear about formation of a company of that type in aircraft manufacturing in the world ? Is a different business agenda hiding behind this project proposal ?

  4. These are the types of projects politicians promote so that they can steal. We are seeing a lot of these dodgy deals going on.

    The term of the conman is in full force.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

      • You mean you have not done a simple search to realize this Company has never made any Aeroplane?
        Should we continue tolerating the corruption at ZDA especially after the Viet-Zam scandal?
        Should we not be demanding the resignation of Halwampa and Hakainde?

        • Not at all, we should not allow abuse of our limited resources. However, my response was based on the comment you made that an aircraft manufacturing is not a priority for an impoverished country which is the part I disagree with because there is no single standard sector a country can use to develop an economy, it agriculture, manufacturing, services, etc.
          But coming back to this alegged investment, if it turn out it’s not genuine, then people involved shall surely be held accountable sooner or later.

  5. Amb Mwamba should not just stop at sharing these important issues. Must endeavour as a media professional to press for an interview with the investors to verify their status in addition to these findings. Even after this publication seek to interview one or two whether live when they are in the country or online when they are gone.

  6. New investors are still very welcome infact we have to promote competition. Not only the old companies you new and know to continue dominating the Markert, no. We are in a liberalized economy ( which was opened by MMD { about 30 years ago } long time ago )

    So Mr. Mwamba as long as these guys have clean money which they have worked for genuinely or they have found partners it is okay. Just some few days ago we were celebrating another mobile service provider operator, ZedMobile, can you say no, only Zamtel, Airtel and MTN are to continue dominating the Markert? No babaa.

    Things have changed provided you have clean money and sound legal partners it’s fine no issue here


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