Anger and outrage by the Concourt Judges, a failure of an impartial arbiter- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Anger and outrage by the Concourt Judges, a failure of an impartial arbiter

During the ruling of an application against their recusal, I was surprised to witness the visible anger, outrage and indignation shown by the Constitutional Court Judges.

The court room was eerily silent, except by the piercing words and emotional anger on display during the delivery of their ruling.

Their choice of words of outrage, anger, at the application, and the strong emotions elicited that accompanied the delivery was but shocking.

Whether a judge is assessing evidence, applying law, making a final decision or an interim order, or engaging with others in the courtroom, personal views, biases, values and emotions should be set aside.

An unemotional approach helps reinforce the judge’s role to be seen as an impartial arbiter of the law. The judges treated this application as a personal affront to their character snd person, despite evidence provided.

Emotional responses could make judges more susceptible to undue influence or sway their decisions in ways that are not grounded in the law.

Infact after hearing their ruling and their own individual personal defences, I came to a firm conclusion that the 3 Judges should not sit in this matter because they displayed the very bias alleged by former President Edgar Lungu, and the very bias their were strongly rejecting and dismissing.

Read the Judgment attached here.

6 thoughts on “Anger and outrage by the Concourt Judges, a failure of an impartial arbiter- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

  1. Especially that you are a propagandist, you will never tell the truth. Your life is in Lungu. You can not do without Lungu.

  2. This man will be cited for contempt.
    He is really asking for it. Let the matters that relate to his arrest be expedited so that he realises that the law and Justice is blind to who he thinks he is.
    Seems to have a very overrated opinion of himself.
    As I have alluded in my prior posts. The outcome of the Judgement shows that most of thw commentators lack objective in the manner we look at issues. 1. The Lawyersthat represent Lungu and suggested that Lungu wants to address them directly. How? This is why we have the bar. Unless they were suggesting that Lungu wanted to be his own lawyer and represent himself. Which would also be reckless.
    2. The Judgement in reference to the issues that are before the JCC. Have yet to be deliberated. The reason as to why the 3 Judges have been suspended by the JCC are preview to the parties involved. The Judge Munalula outrightly throws out the innuendo doing the rounds by certain politicans and worse still LAZ. The current LAZ President embarrasses the legal ferternity.
    3. The Lawyers for Lungu needs to be disciplined. From a professional point of view, they seem to have sold the professional coats to a partian and individual and suspension or disbarment will regain individuals to think twice and act objectly and not subject the citizens and courts to the immature whims.
    At 60 years we as a country need to have a narrative that drives the lives of Zambian in an upward and better trejectory. Politiking and the childishness emulated in the of freedom, that we see in South Africa by opposition leaders is counter productive to improving the lives of Zambians in rural Zambia seeking the very quality of life that is enjoyed in urban areas and the same opportunities.

  3. A John Mwale well known UPND cadre Tonga Bull , we know political leaders how the interfere with Judiciary, police, parliament, DEC, ACC and ECZ the worst is this government.

  4. They put you and your Lungu as well as his so called legal team in their place. A very well cultured rebuke. What were you expecting?

  5. ECL, doesn’t have good advisers and he is surrounded by people with mob psychology, so they don’t give issues deep thought,they don’t cogitate.They are viewing him as a milking machine.They are being paid for nothing or for misleading him.How can one take false hood to the respected court like that.It appears they don’t respect that court anymore.

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