

….as the former ruling party vows to continue defending democracy and the separation of powers.

LUSAKA, Friday, April 1, 2022 (SMART EAGLES)

THE Patriotic Front (PF) has questioned some of the appointments made at various institutions which among them include the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Human Rights Commission (HRC).

Speaking in Lusaka today, PF Chairperson for Information and Publicity Raphael Nakacinda said the likes of Musa Mwenya and Laura Miti who have been appointed as ACC Chairperson and HRC Commissioner respectively have a reputation of publicly sympathising with the UPND.

Hon Nakacinda said to make matters worse, Mr Mwenya’s position on the fight against corruption has not been consistent.

He said Mr Mwenya has been more like a mouth piece for the UPND from opposition even into Government by castigating the Patriotic Front

He said similarly, Laura Miti has carried the tag of being an activist and a UPND sympathiser.

“We are not sure if Mr Mwenya is going to rise above his misgivings by being removed as Solicitor General and acting Attorney General. Those are some of the concerns. Madam Laura Miti has advocated for the UPND in so many ways. From the time we moved out of Office with all the things we have gone through, her opinion has been different.”

Hon Nakacinda said what is obtaining is that the appointments have been made from community house without the involvement of the Ministers mandated by law to make such appointments.

“The appointments made so far not only at ACC but ZNBC Board – most of these Boards that have been put in place, have been appointed from the Community House without input from the Ministers in charge by law to make such appointments,” he said.

Hon Nakacinda has wondered if the appointments made are meant to lay the ground to ensure that justice does not prevail in matters involving perceived Government opponents..

“They touch Human Rights Commission which is supposed to be the voice on the abuse of Human Rights and also the judiciary… we are watching and seeing these appointments and we are hopping the Zambian people are watching too.”

And Hon Nakacinda said the Patriotic Front party will continue defending democracy and ensuring that separation of powers is not eroded.


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