In urban communities where gossip and rumours are taken as gospel truth, and spread fast, Emmanuel JJ Banda – the Petauke Independent Member of Parliament- is known as a thug. But not with his people, in Petauke Central Constituency. JJ, to his constituants is Godsent, an answered prayer. A leader they should have had a while ago.

Previously, those who felt intimidated and threatened by his destined leadership as MP, branded JJ a thug. It is a notorious tag which JJ struggled with for a very long time, and even today, it leaves scars in his political journey.

But along the way, he realized that while he could not change many people’s views on him, he could change the lives of people in Petauke Central Constituency. So, that is where his energies were focused. JJ faced Dora Siliya, an experienced and versatile political female version of bulldozer. She served as Petauke Central MP since 2006 and served as Deputy Minister and Minister in both the MMD and PF administration. She built the necessary connections, financial power and political knowledge. In 2016, she used all these to her advantage and thwarted JJ who then stood as Independent MP, challenging her.

Just immediately after JJ lost the 2016 elections, he embarked on a journey to Parliament. As usual, Dora Siliya and her team underestimated him. By this time, the young JJ knew how to get voters.

Here is what JJ did based on The Candidates investigations.

1. First, JJ invested in utility vehicles. These were used to aid people, in times of misfortunes such as funerals and other social social gatherings/ programs. These vehicles were available to people for use, with fuel and other logistical expenses met by JJ. If anyone had a funeral anywhere in the perimeters of Petauke Central, all they had to do was inform JJ’s team which was set up in Petauke.

2. JJ would mobilise finances to support any grieving families with a Coffin and other related needs such as food while mourning.

3. JJ embarked on identifying deserving yet poor pupils who lacked education support. He took them in, under his sponsorship. While he could not help everyone at once, he would do his best to help those he could afford.

4. JJ embarked on operationalizing boreholes that were broken in communities. He would mobilise funds and fix water problems for communities that had been neglected and drunk water from the same pools as animals.

5. JJ created a system that supported farming. He did so by helping raise funds for FISP contributions, required for one to access fertiliser. In this same line, he helped farmers secure markets for their farming produce during harvest.

6. Most importantly, JJ had identification with youths. He told the youths he understood their challenges and that, by virtue of this, he would serve them better because he knew what they wanted. He turned to the majority poor farmilies in Petauke. He shares a history with. He grew up having difficulties to pursue education and walked long distances to access education. Sometimes, and many times, he would never make it to class during rain season because roads and bridges became impassable. This story was a testimony to the people. They realised they had someone who hailed among them and knew exactly their challenges.

When voting day came in 2021, JJ won. You know him as a Thug but in Petauke JJ is the people’s messiah. For the people, he has the heart of an angel having served them diligently and as per campaign promises, thus far. Clearly, the people of Petauke will still put their “Thug with a heart of an angel” in Parliament, again.

Credit: The Candidates/


  1. This is the root of corruption in politics. Where was he getting the money to do all those “good”things. Answer is simple. From Lungu’s kasaka ka ndalama. That’s why he was able to storm a Lusaka Central Police with a horde of thugs and beat the hell out of hapless police officers under the protection of Lungu. Here we go again celebrating thugs and nicompoops

  2. This is the root of corruption in politics. Where was he getting the money to do all those “good”things. Answer is simple. From Lungu’s kasaka ka ndalama. That’s why he was able to storm a Lusaka Central Police with a horde of thugs and beat the hell out of hapless police officers under the protection of Lungu. Here we go again celebrating thugs and nicompoops


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