Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa has criticized former President Edgar Lungu’s suggestion of an early election, calling it a sign of “ignorance of the law.” Sangwa emphasized that Zambia’s current Constitution does not allow for early elections, and the President cannot dissolve the National Assembly to call for an early election, unlike in the past under the 1973 Constitution.

Sangwa questioned Lungu’s motives, wondering if he was simply politicking or being mischievous. He clarified that the current government’s mandate will expire in August 2026, and until then, Lungu’s suggestions are mere politicking.

Sangwa also condemned the police action in Kabwe, where officers entered Bishop Clement Mulenga’s office to stop a meeting with Lungu, calling it lawlessness and a disregard for the law. He argued that a former president is a private citizen and should enjoy the same rights as any other citizen, including the right to privacy and freedom of movement.

Sangwa criticized the government, suggesting that Lungu’s re-emergence in politics indicates dissatisfaction with the current administration. He implied that if the government were performing well, Lungu would not feel compelled to re-enter the political fray.

In summary, Sangwa emphasized that Zambia’s Constitution does not allow for early elections, and Lungu’s suggestions are mere politicking. He condemned the police action in Kabwe as lawlessness and criticized the government for its poor performance, which has led to Lungu’s continued political relevance.


  1. I sent see any political relevance of former president Lungu arising from the current challenges the country is experiencing. Not at all! He is in fact making himself more irrelevant because he is opening fresh wounds. Any way we watch the space together.

  2. Eggiezakitily. Lungu being a lawyer, albeit a failed one, should know that if you have no solid grounds for calling for early elections, you stand to be accused of treason.

    Lungu’s ignorance is of biblical dimensions. We can not let anyone with this level of ignorance mislead the nation. For a second time.

  3. Such statements punches a big hole in the competence of the former president ECL as a lawyer. It means he doesn’t have the competence to be called a lawyer and brings in to question his capabilities in his profession. Anyways, we will wait to hear what other interpretation of law will be.

  4. This man is already portraying selfishness, because he knows that if early elections were called he will not be able to fulfill his sudden presidential ambitions! There’s no constitution which does not have a close for early elections, and Edgar Lungu is also a lawyer and former president, so Sangwa is telling us Lungu has not read the Zambian constitution! And Zambians are not ready to have a president who they don’t properly like it happened from Kaunda to Chiluba, and now from Hichilema to Lungu. So Mr. Sangwa has to work for his presidential ambitions, it will not come on a silver Plata, ati “me am trusted, me I don’t steal . . . “! Work for it sir by either forming your own party or joining a party of your choice, so Zambians see how you can blend with other human beings in day to day politics! Then work in the government first as a minister so people can see your intelligence, hard work, output and sincerity, braveness and openness in dealing with your juniors and bosses! Without these sir, Bembas say “waloba ilyauma . . . . “! , it will be very difficult for to vie and win the presidency! You have to learn how to sola mingalato in Zambian politics!

    • Ba Manganga, which clause in the Zambian constitution provides for early elections? Instead of going on an emotional rant, give us the facts.

      Yes, Mr. Lungu is a lawyer, a very bad one. Remember how he misled his ministers to continue serving in their portfolios after parliament was dissolved in 2016? This was inspite of his Attorney General advising otherwise.

      And don’t forget Mr. Lungu had his practicing license withdrawn by LAZ for defrauding a widow. Need we say more ba Manganga.

  5. Well articulated and very proffessional advise. It is suprising that these guys can not properly reason on legal issues but thrive on emortional charging agendas. You can not advocate to abrogate the law and continue to claim that you are law abiding. This crazy notion will be met with the excess reaction. Seems now the fight is taken to the streets wete no rules apply. Make no mistake many people ignorantly doing things will soon regret. We have see these tantrums before. It is alot of meaningless noise. Deep inside it has no impact ay all.

    Ingnorance and arrogance is the written all over the calls. It is plainly premature and a complete show of incompetence. What we need is real opposition which can offer real checks and balances with sensible alternatives to challenge what is not able to work. Not childish threats which are meant to excite a few ignorant people and yet from a legal perspective is illegal. This is very disappointing and will back fire as lack of leadership qualities.

    It is sad that the opposition is ignorantly making themselves irrelevant.

    • In a simple way of understanding, whatever the cause, or if the current President decided to live politics resigns just as an example, the office of President has already in place an elected ( pair in the position of Vice – President ) Vice – President who will without any noise from anyone but according to the Zambian, as ammended constitution of 2016 which Lungu himself approved by appending his signature on 5th January 2016 automatically takes over. Where then is Mr Lungu basing his sentiments or arguments? from which source, base or angle is he getting his strength?

      This is however, some people find themselves in problems especially his repeatedly saying the same even in DUNAMIS, Dan PULES Church. And Sakwiba Sikota lawyer SC was clapping and laughing meaning he was in agreement with Lungu. Quite astonishing.

      • Excellence argument. Truth is thes people don’t have any meaningful solutons to offer and they turn to jungle rules of mob psychology to arm twist legal rules.

        Unfortunately, the voters now are enlightened. Past performance is a very strong indicator of the same type of leadership qualities to be expected if not worse.

        Let us face it if you don’t have the qualities to lead propperly it is not possible that you can acquire them simply by word of mouth.

        Zambia needs to move forward with progressive good leadership. What we had in the past with due respect of a few genuine politicians in the opposition who had good intention but disappointedly got mixed up with the shear mindness the whole country exprienced.

        We want proper sensible tough but sober opposition leaders whom you can shake a hand with in acknowledgement of their fair and alternative solutions. This childishness and ranting we are experiencing daily is embarrassing. As a senior citizens this is not what we worked hard for in order build this nation. All the work can not got to waste because of poor leadership qualities. Look at this nusance of a debt. What type of leading is this.

        Past performance is a serious indicator of what to expect. You honestly can not give what you don’t possess. We need to scrutinize our leaders more closely. A great lesson has been learnt and history is a great teacher.

        So you are spot on my friend. Yet again an ignorant person is a danger to all of us and to himself.

  6. I have high respect for Sangwa & I will continue to do so. From his articles and performance he has always tried to speak the truth. He has never been political or emotion in his analysis. I remember the time he was defending FTJ he was called all sorts of names by Levy, Fred & Nchito but he never lost focused, intimidated or became emotion but simple words ‘ I have to concentrate defending my client.’
    His analysis and interpretation of the law is always 98% correct with that even on this one I believe u Sir.

  7. Counsel Sangwa is correct!Mr Sinkamba was not correct to mention the circumstances when early elections can take place.That is neither here nor there.The presidential mandate is five years in Zambia.And that is a term.A president can only do two terms.And I still believe that we must include the disallowing of a president who lost an election to recontest ever.This will stop the former presidents who lost an election from disturbing the incumbents.The “alebwelelapo” concept will end and tensions in the country will lessen.The churches will concentrate on warshiping God and will stop participating in silly, and unnecessary political squabbles of showing political interest and deviding the committed congregants.The churches will stop polluting tabloids with notices of political oriented displeasures and the police will not be entangled in petty talks with the clergy.The one who will want “kubwelelapo” will not be available and no unnecessary church visitations with political groupings.This is however not aimed at targeting an individual no,it is for the future.We must be learning from the past to build the good future.Presidents will be hard working and no economic plunderering.Try to read about Fednand Marcos and wife.Leader enriching himself so much,spending lavishly owning thousands of pairs of shoes.That is being too extravagant at the expense of the citizens.And churches were clapping and shouting amen on top of their voices.This must not happen in Zambia.We were taught a lesson.Looting in that manner must not be allowed ever.


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