Fraudulent Mopani sale must be cancelled and culprits brought to book – Chitala

Mbita Chitala

Fraudulent Mopani sale must be cancelled and culprits brought to book – Chitala

Presented by Dr. Mbita Chitala and Mr. Mwape Mwelwa

The more than 300 Convenors of the People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) from across the country held a virtual meeting at which they analysed the scandalous sale of 51% of shares in Mopani Copper Mines Plc held by ZCCM-IH on behalf of the Zambian Government to Delta Mining Limited.

We the convenors of PPCC are in agreement with many citizens including Hon Edith Nawakwi, Dr. Fred Mmembe, Sean Tembo and others that the purported sale of Mopani Copper Mines PLC to Delta Mining Limited, a purported subsidiary of International Resource Holdings (IRH) that is headquartered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates was an act to defraud Zambia.

The explanation raised by Hon. Kabuswe the Minister of Mines in his defence of this transaction on behalf of the UPND administration is either based on his humble defective education attainments or is simply an expression of a conflicted person trying to defend a fraud against Zambia. Our analysis of the publicly available documents show that the UPND government headed by President Hakainde Hichilema are guilty of utilizing creative accounting to commit fraud on Zambia. In other words, the UPND administration have colluded with Glencore and used accounting practices to misrepresent Mopani’s position.

These practices are not only unethical but are also illegal as they simply advanced this scandalous and fraudulent deal.
The UPND administration colluded with Glencore to admit a fake Glencore debt in Mopani of US$1.5 billion that was an investment that Glencore allegedly put in Mopani in 2000-2021 and for which Glencore received billions of dollars from its investment. They lied that the purported debt would…


  1. If you have proof put it on the table. You wanted the copperbelt to be stagnant in jobs so you could use that for campaigns.

  2. You bunch of dunder heads just keep quiet. You had no solution to offer the Zambians for almost 5 years when Mopani had challenges, completely nothing. Now that a solution has been found all of a sudden you’ve assumed the position of advisors and critics. If you had good intentions you’d be coming up with the best solutions on the table but you had none, and today you pretend to be advisors. Please let’s be responsible people. Today Zambia has so many challenges and you’ve no solutions, we need critical thinkers and not noise makers. If I were you I would convene that virtual meeting to offer solutions to our country’s challenges.

  3. When you are poor, weak and up to your neck in debt, you’re vulnerable and the people you’re negotiating with know this. Not one word by the estimable Mbita Chitala and his co-author Mwape Mwelwa to acknowledge this. It’s not cricket and is therefore a bad example to young persons looking up to this lot to enlighten them. The people who committed Zambia to the Glencore exit deal which was very bad for the country are Chitala’s political allies. Why’s Chitala not asking them what they thought they were doing?

  4. Since Dr. Chitala and others are convicted that there is a case of impropriety in relation to the Mopani deal, why don’t they take the matter to court for determination? Obviously they must present facts and not speculations and unfounded assumptions.

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