Go back to school you can do it.
By Hon. Princess Kasune Zulu
You know how l have shared of how l dropped in school in 11th grade as a teenager mother and married at 18years.
I still went back to school in 2005 and finished my grade 12. Came out with destinations in Zambia you could say 6 points! All because my friends Vanessa Church kept say Girl you go back to school. I was comfortable working for Worldvision in Chicago and the pay was looking great in dollars from the K1700 plus l was making in Zambia. I thought why go to school with also 50,000 US dollars per year. But l was wrong school broadens your scope and expands your horizons. In a way that you could not have otherwise.
With my grade 12 certificate, my former boss became mentor and big brother Dr. Mike Mantel former pastor Danke Hill and others. Pushed me to go to university. Wow ..,,, hold on l thought l am good people with salary going closer to 70,000 dollars per annual l thought l got this. But l was wrong. Once again l pushed myself. I love school but am a social butterfly. So the discipline of writing ✍️ research papers , citations, footnotes etc where a pain in the bottoms. But l did. Not once but once in 6years.
I first graduated with my masters in Christian Ministry 2014. By then pregnant . But l really wanted my degree from the school of business. So l had to continue until l graduated with Honors with Masters in Nonprofit Administration and Masters in Divinity. I continue to struggle with my doctorate. I want to encourage you, going back to school May never make you wise, but l can tell you. You will be wiser and more informated than you where. And opportunities will be much greater. Also usually not always you will appreciate people on merit than kuzibana along. Which has killed a lot of our efforts in developing countries.
I personally can appreciate more the President and NewDawn for free education. Because it remains the best equalizer in life. In most cases. So Go back to School, you can do it. And surround yourself with either people who are at school or have been. Otherwise can be hard especially in the beginning and your environment matters. Mostly who you surround yourself with.
You can do it!
Go Back to School!
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