Dear Robert Chabinga MP
My good brother I want to start by appreciating the person you have been to me, I cherish the brotherly love we have shared between us and all the times you have come to my aid. But kindly allow me to register my displeasure with the way you have continued to disrespect Former President Edgar Lungu and his family. It’s not fair!!
Allow me to remind you of a certain time in 2019 when you invited me to Kenya for a multi million dollar deal, remember how you shared a touching story with me in that apartment we shared on how President Lungu sent you money to clear your hospital bills when you fail sick in the DRC.. My brother a man who cares about your health is more important than a person who cares more about your power and money!!
My brother, there is a lot you can do to impress your newly found friends apart from insulting President Lungu. Personally if I have to join UPND I will join because my principles align with Their beliefs not because I want to impress Gilbert Liswaniso and Uncle Charlie by disrespecting people that have helped me before!! Posterity will judge you harshly my brother, am saying this basically out of love and care for a brother.
In life let’s learn to be grateful, it’s bad to disrespect a finger that once fed you. Let’s teach the younger generation politics of gratitude. You and Kawana are the ones making politics look toxic and dirty because you seem to have quickly forgotten were you came from so easily. Personally i have my own issues with so many people but if at some point I benefited from them you will never hear me disrespect them.
Am really Sorry if I have disrespected you my brother but I thought of registering my displeasure with you in the open since you chose to address ECL in the open I also thought of doing the same as well. Anyway I wish you well my brother, hope you pick one or two things from my humble submission.
Mule tasha bane!!
Ungrateful pig. They always look at which side of the bread is buttered. Same snakes Chris Zumani is talking about that will bite HH.
BaKaoma you’re leaving out details kaili….so please some meat needed to your story.
So how much did ECL send to Chabinga in DRC? Elo the multi million dollar deal ku Kenya eh?? We need infor, you know it’s power ka!!!??
Who are you trying to please yourself by exposing your apparently good friend? Are you now ECL’s bulldog?? Remember ECL was President then and obligated to save Robert…he was his ‘father’ then. Should he die with blind loyalty? Can you allow somebody to slit your child’s neck because he paid your hospital bill? Chawinga saw that ECL was leading the party astray so he had to pull the plug? Is that wrong? He is what we call ‘objective’ in basic ichisungu.
‘Peace’ of advice indeed….
Does it mean if you were helped in the past you
Cannot correct the helper if he is going astray?
Politics of gratitude indeed,so because I have you a handout once then your mouth is shut against me permanently
For lungu to help him means also lungu needed him to do something for him.