Former President Edgar Lungu’s economic adviser Hibeene Mwiinga has told the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court that some of his income came from  international trips, adding that one of the trips he undertook to Tunisia earned him over US$500 million during the four years he was there. 

And Mwiinga said the annual meeting in Tunisia earned him US$84,000 for the period he was working at the bank stressing that only 10 percent of the income was used during the meetings and the rest was used as investment in Zambia.

He further said annual meetings outside Tunisia earned him US$89,

Daily Revelation


    • You seriously need prayers to cast out your hatred and tribalism. How has the issue of tribalism come in this article? Is it because the person mentioned is a southerner. If that is the case is Mr. Levy Ngoma a who is president HH’s political adviser a southerner? Why do you always see tribe in everything?

    • Indigo Tyrol, you have crossed the line of decency. But I do understand why you have this attitude. The blame in my view lies on the UNIP government which believed that the best way to build a nation out of previously separate communities is to marginalise some languages even in their own province. And here we’re facing imperial attitudes from some of our fellow citizens.

  1. You seriously need prayers to cast out your hatred and tribalism. How has tribalism come in this article? Is it because the person mentioned is a southerner. If that is the case is Mr. Levy Ngoma a who is president HH’s political adviser a southerner? Why do you always see tribe in everything?

  2. Has Hibeene Mwiinga told the whole story here? What about his living expenses in Tunisia? Surely he had to live somewhere and had to pay for it. Why did development of the properties and acquisition of the moveable assets coincide with service in the ECL State House? These questions deserve honest answers from Hibeene Mwiinga. Interestingly, if there had been a law requiring presidential aides to disclose their assets and liabilities, Mwiinga would probably not be facing prosecution in court.

  3. Some of these guys are just being persecuted for no reason. Let me start by saying that the Zesco MD currently gets paid 750,000 thousand monthly without allowances. His allowances include car maintenance, housing (pegged at 30 percent of his monthly salary). And they get paid every time they travel and sleep out. The MD effectively gets about 1million monthly and they have a clause that entitles them to 25million when their contract ends.
    It’s a lot of money and unjustifiably so.
    Next, our ambassador to the US Chibamba Kanyama gets paid k400, 000 monthly as basic pay and also gets paid an additional salary of equal measure for being the permanent representative to the UN. So about 800, 000 monthly. Also, he gets paid about USD 100,000 monthly from the UN with allowances.
    These are some high earners and most, if not all, ambassadors are getting paid two salaries, from the ministry of foreign Affairs in kwacha and the respective embassies in dollar.
    Working outside the country for foreign companies have some of the best salaries as well.
    One would have to be a fool not to have tangible assets in the country. But if you have to, arrest them and let them prove their innocence in court. There is a reason Emmanuel Mwamba, despite being an irritant to the UPND has not been charged for possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime. He was ambassador to SA, ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the AU. Thats about 5million per year without considering his investments back home.

    • George Zimba, don’t bring in your own opinion here. Chibamba Kanyama is merely Zambia’s ambassador to the USA. He’s not accredited to the UN. Our permanent representative to the UN is Chola Milambo. I won’t comment on how much they earn from their jobs because I ‘m not privy to that information. If Hibeene Mwiinga made so much money, then it should be easy to prove his innocence. Good luck to him.

      • I do agree that it should be easy to prove himself. But do allow me to correct my statement sir. You are indeed right that he is not the permanent representative to the UN. He is, however, the UN representative for the Oceana for the Southern African region.

        • Milambo replaced Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula after Hakainde won the elections.

          There was a purge the likes we have never seen before. It was total cleansing from top to bottom.

          Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Ka George Zimba uliwabufi iwe ka mambala. Do you research before you confuse us with your PF opinions. I wouldn’t be surprised if you a Emmanuel Mwamba hiding behind ka laptop. Hibbene Mwiinga was a big criminal like your President ECL. Ka mambala ka Zimba please next time don’t spill your useless PF propaganda here, bring facts iwe ka shetani. Emmanuel Mwamba’s property in Balmora area is under restriction.


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