I will officially apologize to the good people of Zambia that I misled in millions to vote for a corrupt, clueless and selfish govt- SEER 1

Seer 1



A time comes in life when you have to stand up and say enough is enough. I do not get into little issues but this lady has gone through hell in the hands of social media fanatics with latest abuse coming direct from a government representative but the president and the government have actually watched and enjoyed this lady being abused.

In a sane government, the abusers of this lady would be dropped from the government showing that the government was ready to protect women.

And to all the women that enjoy watching a fellow lady being abused, such is coming to happen to your daughters.

Haven said that, I will officially apologize to the good people of Zambia that I misled in millions to vote for a corrupt, clueless and selfish government this Sunday at 9pm LIVE on this page.

In this broadcast, I will share with you my journey with HH from the opposition to the state house and provide all evidence to back up all my words during the broadcast for those that believes that I have not been in constant touch with HH and his people.

Also in this broadcast I will usher you into the state house and show you how that state House has been turned into a corruption center the worst of its kind since the birth of the Republic of Zambia.

And why for the first time government transactions are done at a private home called community house.

I know that you are blank about the reason why a HELIPAD was hurriedly constructed at the community house, well join me and hear how we removed Zambia from FRYING PAN direct into FIRE.

I will use that opportunity to apologize to everyone that I bruised during my campaign for HH especially to President Edgar Lungu, Fred Membe, Chishimba Kambwili and many others and to the millions of the UPND members that have been used and dumped and i will share with you the new hope for the nation.

And to you the hungry, suffering and smiling, malnourished minority praise singers that will love to insult me during the broadcast, prepare yourself well, we have been there before and we are going there again but this time with facts and evidence so we are ready for everything.

Insults are part of my daily bread, I ate enough of it from a well fed PF cadres and was never shaken, I don’t think that I will be shaken by insults coming from hungry, dirty UPND cadres the battle is for your good,

Thank you so much and I believe that my apology will be accepted because it’s coming from my heart looking at what the people of Zambia are going through in the hands of HH and his extremely corrupt government.

See you on Sunday 9pm.

Set your alarm.



    • @ Indigo Tyrol, there is nothing wrong with serving one term, there are many presidents in this world who have served just one term including the late Madiba.
      Furthermore, I would advise that you follow world events so that you understand what is happening globally instead of expecting miracles on things which are clearly beyond the control of a government in small country like Zambia.
      If a big economy like the USA which contributes over 25% global GDP can have 10% inflation, what more a small country like Zambia whose GDP is even many times smaller than the wealth of an individual in the USA like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk to mention just a few and worse still a country struggling with high debt levels.
      For your information, even countries like UK are on the verge of economic recession, Germany the biggest economy in Europe is also not doing any better, surely a right thinking person can’t expect miracles in a small country like Zambia.

      • The failure by the government should never be attributed to problems in other countries. That’s why government is there to plan in advance and make sure there’s economic cushioning at every catastrophe. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose to have a government that always points at what’s other countries in comparison whenever they’re faced with challenges. If that’s how you run your home please STOP!. You can never use your few neighbours status quo to measure your home’s.

        • One cannot divorce themselves from what is happening in other countries. That’s unrealistc. We elect leaders to mitigate such unforeseen, unavoidable effects – not completely avoid them. Yes, even. in your home, if the price of essential commodities has risen. in the country, only an unreasonable woman would expect that their household expenditure on commodities would remain the same.

        • I’m not saying government should just seat down and do nothing but we can’t run away from the fact there are factors beyond our control and there is only so much they can do.
          For instance, Zambia does not produce oil so if oil prices go up on the international market surely only an unreasonable person would expect the price of fuel to remain the same in the country like Zambia which does not produce oil. If a country like Nigeria which is an oil producer has removed subsidies from fuel what more a country like Zambia? In short, what I’m saying is that we need to also consider other factors affect us despite not being directly under our control. Also, you can’t plan for everything in life so somethings you just manage them when they happen.

      • The US doesnt have inflation of 10 percent. If that happened the whole world would burn. kabili you depend on their dollar. US inflation rate is currently 2.9 percent .9 percent off the central bank’s target

    • Ba Straight forward, ubufi bwakwata amolu ayepi.. They promised on their own. No one forced them. Is giving tax holidays to multinationals a world trend and giving them 100 % mineral rights usurping the 20 % from ZCCM-IH?

      • To start with, no multinationals have been given a tax holiday as you claim. But I’m sure you are talking about mines, for your information they are still required to pay all the business taxes, i.e., income, VAT, Excise duty, customs duty, PAYE to mention just a few. Only WHT has been made deductible meaning they can it can be treated as an expense on the accounting books.
        You should also know that the mineral royalty deductibility is not just applicable to multinationals but anyone can benefit the policy including Zambians and I don’t know why Zambians don’t take advantage of it but just keep complaining all the time. Besides, nobody has stopped Zambians from opening and running mines so that they can benefit from the incentives available in the sector but instead they are busy complaining.

  1. Bot seer0 and the idiot indigo are time waster, they were beneficiary of pf theft of the huge loans that making us suffer, which they want to blame a wrong person. The money you made from lungu is what is making you feel more pain than any ordinary Zambia. Good thing the voting mass have more brain than these two lazy vagabonds. Come 2026 you and your seer zero ll still be wishing hh lost power. S370HSSV.

  2. This charlatan does not need to apologize. We didn’t vote out PF because he told us to. He is really overestimating himself. He should go ahead and reveal what he wants to and see if that will even cause us to lose sleep. How ignorant does he think we are?

  3. It is true that zAMBIA is now a better country to live in. The hunger that people are talking about is dramatized. It is the people who com4 from parts of Zambia where hard work does not exist. They have lived for a long time as thieves, robbers, crook stars, you name it. Some of them ruled Zambia such that stealing became a norm, looting government resources. Money was raining for them but alas here comes somebody God chose for us as President. This is President HH. he has swept ZAMBIA clean.
    We have no load shedding.
    We have no cadres killing us.
    We get served in government offices without paying anybody.
    We have free education from grade 1 to university.
    we are able to make decisions in our communities what development we want while he HH provides the money.
    We know he is working hard to complete the road that will bring in cheap petrol from Angola and all high prices of commodities wil go down soon.
    We know that after this planting season our maize next year will cost less because we are not using imported expensive fertilizer.
    We know what HH is doing because he reports back t6o us his masters unlike in the past.
    Speak ill of HH you will be burning your fingers on your own. You atrer alone no Zambian will listen to your lies.

  4. I think Nigeria needs more help than Zambia. Look at their president, how come you voted for a very old man like that when you have youthful, brainy and smart young men like Obi. I don’t understand why you are so obsessed with Zambia.
    Forget about manipulating HH, the reason you were denied coming for a crusade last year. Zambians were just tired of PF, its not because of you.

  5. Be ware of this Scamer pretending to be what he not. Go and discuss forgery of your president’s UCS degree. You can’t tell us anything. A country of forgers, where forgery starts from the president.

  6. You can make an apology even today it won’t make us stopping supporting HH.Talk of Biafra,chiboko and bokoharam which is happening Nigeria you can not like it . Nigeria is country for the criminals.

  7. Fake prophet who rides on gullible zambians. He loves to see chaos in our country. He wants us to hate our presidents and those in high authority. He wants us to hate one another while in Nigeria he was give a job in the army. All he wants is to sow seeds of discord, he has an agenda .. make the stable peaceful environment in Zambia disappear. Problem is most Zambians lack education, can’t reason properly, don’t research, move with the wind and are easily incitable. They love lies and free things.they go to church but don’t read the Bible so fake prophets take advantage. Seer 1 is nothing but a trouble maker.

  8. Who did you mislead? This gentleman has an exaggerated sense of self importance. Most Zambians don’t even know he exists.

    We Zambians have changed governments before. We did not need anyone to tell us what to do. Focus on sorting out the mess in Nigeria, your country. We donot need false prophets.


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