Speaker Nelly Mutti has declared recently imprisoned Nickson Chilangwa’s Kawambwa seat vacant!



Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti has declared the Kawambwa parliamentary seat vacant following the following the sentencing of area Member of Parliament Nickson Chilangwa to 5-years imprisonment by the Kawambwa Subordinate Court.


    • Razor leka okutumpa iwe PF Kelenka. Invest in knowledge to know and understand the 2016 Amended Constitution iwe PF loser. Abash Panga Wielding PF criminals forever

  1. Nickson Chilangwa absented himself for more than a month in parliament if I remember very well when he was summoned by police. That was a sign of accepting his case of assorn.
    Chilangwa was further asked to exculpate himself by writing a letter of apology.
    I saw it that his not going to run away this time and now here he is out of the parliamentary race. Shame, shame to you bakalamba. Politics of violence insighting the youth those are consequences. You may think you have won your seat but you have lost the presidential seat and the next leader don’t think will spare You. You now on your own.
    Whether One year sentence or six months, still your parliamentary seat you loose it.

  2. Kalukobo in gallows
    By the way he was the one banking the K200,000 nomination fees.
    Where is Lusambo to take him hungry lion and a mattress.?

  3. By all standards, this is a very excellent decision by the court. We don’t need adults of indecent behavior lurking in the corridors of power.
    This are the people that have misled multitudes of youths into believing that violence is normal and that it can get you into the the bracket for the rich.
    Very bad precedence they set and we say kudos to the courts for setting an example of what violence pays – JAIL WITH HARD LABOUR. KWASHALA KAMPYONGO.

  4. No no madam nelly mutti its too quick. You know that he has the chance of appealing only that the magistrate said that he will hear the application next week. And you should know that the high court has no option but to grant the application which will act as a stay or stop the excusion of the judgement. This will go on even upto supreme court level which may take more than 3 or 4 years.Ba Nelly you are a let down and we can guarantee you that after your term there will be a case that will be appropriate for you and the same manipulation will be used to ensure that you serve a jail term

    • DNPU don’t be an idiot sir. Invest in knowledge to know and understand 2016 Amended Constitution approved and signed by PF criminals and Edgar Lungu in that order. Stop blaming innocent citizens iwe. No peace is breached for incarcerating the PF criminal. Abash Panga Wielding PF criminals forever.

  5. Bob Tondolo is a Tonga because it’s only Tongas who like insulting people from other tribes. The actual idiot is Bob Tondolo. Whatever tricks Hichilema and his fellow Tongas do, they will not win in 2026. Most people in Zambia have developed hatred for Hichilema and Upnd because of their tribalism and nepotism. Most chiefs in the northern part of Zambia have developed hatred for Hichilema and his Upnd because of tribalism. So there’s nothing Hichilema will do that will change the hearts of Zambians , they have hated him and it’s over. He has brought a lot of suffering to Zambians because of his tribalism. Abash Upnd and Hichilema! Abash!

  6. Let them declare it vacant but please Bembas let’s unite and shame these Tongas by voting for a non Upnd candidate. Naba twingilila sana!

  7. Chilangwa has suffered a double scrotal implosion kkkkk
    Whichever way he was not going to survive and he possibly smelled it no wonder he disappeared at some point. Mbappe expelled him from the party and madam speaker Sir has put the final nail in the coffin kind of killing the same bird with multiple stones. But I also wish to observe that Justin Kungo was killed in Solwezi in cold blood. Is the Justice system also looking into that or maybe he was PF so we forget? If truly justice has no eyes, let’s see something being done from that end too so that we have trust this is not witch-hunting

  8. On qualifications and disqualification of Member of parliament of Zambia the constitution is very clear.Reading section 70 and 72 can be very helpful in understanding the circumstances when MP can be discharged or expelled or the seat declared vaccant.In 70 subsection 2 e it explains and 72 f it explains the circumstances of disqualification where an MP is serving a prison term exceeded 3 years.Here unfortunately the issues of bail awaiting appeal are not discussed or when bail can be denied.One thing we must realize is when you are in office of authority regardless of level of office constitutional prescriptions once given must be followed by action quickly without delay.In this case of Mr Chilangwa has been convicted for five years not about hard labour but conviction of more than three years,then with no delay the Speaker has to act accordingly or the speaker fails in her duties if she doesn’t.And a person with criminal record is not allowed to stand as members of parliament in Zambia.

  9. I would be the happiest Zambian if Kantyongo also went in the same direction, by the way how far have we gone with locating Kaizer, I thought we had caught up with him in Zimbabwe. when a video was shown of him receiving treatment.
    Kantyongo should never survive a jail sentence, please fins a case.


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