My home is broken into pieces with all my family members scattered- Chilufya Tayali


By Chilufya Tayali

Life can be very unpredictable, one moment you are shinning, splashing romantic family photos on social media, the next you are breaking your home into pieces as you invite people to come and pick whatever they can based on what they can reasonably offer.

I want to thank all of you that got one or two things from our household goods. Trust me, each and every piece of what you got, made our home and we cherished it, but we are happy you got it and we hope you will hold it as memory of our difficult times.

Nonetheless, such is life, at some point you have to go down so that you can raise again. We don’t go down to stay there but to raise again, to new life, hopefully better than before.

In 2018, I went down when bailiff pounced on me. Social media was awash with mockery, but I rose again and ended up in Roma with everything new as you can see in this picture.

This time around our home is broken into pieces with all my family members scattered, but I know there will be a reunion soon.

This is our life and we have to accept it, because whatever we have comes from God, so when we lose, we have to welcome it and hope in God, if He gave us before, why not again.

No matter the situation, there is a way out, especially if you believe in God, so endure, be resilient, very soon God will extend His hand and saving you from sinking.



  1. Your circumstances are self inflicted. Why have you run away? Even if you are alleged to have committed an offence, decent people do not run away, but let the due process take its course. You are coward but talk too much.

  2. You chose this path Tayali. So stop seeking empathy for the foolish is wreckless choices you made.
    The child that you and your wife subject to these situations that you place her in. Are in themselves criminal. The picture you post. Is that not wine? Is that not a form of child abuse in some nations?
    Really self servering…

  3. It’s your mouth that is tearing down your house. This man has no proper functioning brain. He could have coiled himself back into normal Zambian. Checks and balances yes but not where one seems to be in conflicts with the law all the time.
    The people you claim to speak for are free and no pressure.

  4. You should have employed at least two guards before you left. If you left without any such arrangements, then you blame yourself. And you don’t need to tell us about it because we don’t need that information, it is entirely your own baby.

  5. Uchenjele mambala iwe. You thought you’ll get away with injuring innocent pipo. Wanya ukalibe kuvutika. Indila 1st. And to think that you goona come back home when Ka Koswe ka ECL bounces back to power is the dumbest calculation i’ve ever seen. Come 2026 Ka Lungu will be retired to Chawama farm and thats when you suffdering will start. Wanya ka chKWESA IWE. Pany’o ppakko


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