PF and UPND have totally different ideologies and are not mutually exclusive –  Miles Sampa



April 29th, 2024

I have been receiving a lot of inbox and queries on our views on the PF MPs seen in the company of the Head of State President HH during his recent activities in Muchinga province.

To the extent that the KK@100 centenary day was a national event and a public holiday, they were in order to have been part off of the celebrations where President HH was guest of honour .

They were also in order when attend any development programmes officiated by the President that were in their constituencies or province.

It is however offside for those that attended and spoke at the UPND political rallies in Chinsali and Nakonde given that the two parties are not in an alliance or partnership of any sort.

We are also consulting further internally with other party MCCs and in particular the party legal committee on our overall position on this occurrence. We want to ascertain if that does amount to or not to crossing the floor of the House or switching political parties. The two political parties have totally different ideologies and are not mutually exclusive.

We shall revert on this aspect as soon as consultations are completed.

Yours Truely,

Miles B. Sampa, MP
Patriotic Front-PF President


  1. The title is misleading when you say the 2 parties are NOT mutually exclusive. I thot u wud say the 2 parties are mutually exclusive

  2. Ebupuba bwine. You are masquerading as president of PF and your 3 puppet MPs attend a rally with another party, and you are not aware. Then something is wrong with you. Why are you waisting your precious time Miles Hasampa? There’s nothing you will achieve from what you are doing. If Upnd went out of power today, you will be arrested for abrogating the country’s constitution! And for that same reason Upnd would faced de-registration! That’s how serious things are. People who wrote the constitution of Zambia were not fools, it’s contains the supreme guidance for managing this country, if any abrogated it thru commit a very big crime! So Hasampa just wait for your time to come, you will answer your part! Other people you are collaborating with, will also answer their part! Amen!!

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