The Candidates’ Comment
The belief that the former ruling party, the Patriotic Front (PF), will one day bounce back into power and rule Zambians again must be confronted with honest, truth and independence.
Those who so much believe that there is still a chance for PF to come back into power must take an honest stock of why this party was rejected in the previous elections. When the stock taking is done, it is clear that Zambians could no longer accept to be led by a party that transformed into a criminal enterprise.
The overwhelming support which Hakainde Hichilema received in the previous elections, from all parts of the country, reflects the magnitude of rejection of the PF by Zambians. Of course, we do not think Zambians hate Edgar Lungu in his individual capacity as a PF leader. We equally think Hakainde is not the most loved person among all those who participated in the previous election. What we think is – and we believe we are not far from truth – that people detested what PF became and wanted to have this party replaced at all cost. It did not take one to like Hakainde for them to cast a vote in his favour. It was about the misdeeds of the PF.
Therefore, those who pontificate an idea that there is chance for PF to one day bounce back into power are perhaps using their personal feelings to make such false conclusions.
PF lost its own identity which is expressed in its foundation. This party – as things are now – is not different from an enterprise that is established for the purpose of undertaking criminal activities.
We agree with those who say PF is a criminal enterprise. We say this not out of malice but after an honest interrogation of things beyond what the surface suggests. For the past seven years, this country was in the hands of criminals. They had no interest to serve the people but to plunder as much as they could. It is only after government changed hands that we understand the amount of theft, of plunder that characterized this criminal organisation.
Many PF senior members have buried sacks of monies in bushes. They have all sorts of property and luxurious owning everywhere beyond their earnings. All these are proceeds of criminal activities.
Can such an organisation come back to power? Certainly not. Who can ever trust these criminals to lead this country again?
We know that PF is using the Malawian situation to make themselves believe they have some chances to bounce back. But what they do not want to accept is that, the former ruling party of Malawi was and is not a criminal enterprise.
We are not saying these things from nowhere. The Financial Intelligence Centre as well as the Auditor General reports has detailed these criminal activities of PF. These are things which are in the public domain.
The truth is that PF is dead. It is a criminal enterprise which must not be entertained by anyone.- The Candidates