Opposition APC President Nason Msoni

ALL Peoples Congress president Nason Msoni says a government that relies on terror and violence to maintain itself in government is unfit for purpose.

He urged the PF government to stop glorifying and justifying criminality.

Recently when she featured on a special Radio Two programme, information minister Dora Siliya said: “In every country there are thieves, but let not corruption be a daily song.”

In a statement yesterday, Msoni noted that no serious government can justify corruption.

“It is bad enough that the poor governance style of the country is a test case of how not to run a government. To have the temerity and the cheek to openly assert that every country has thieves is rather a case of criminality gone too far and is tantamount to self-admission of wrongdoing and criminality on the part of the Zambian government. We think that this assertion and the bad behaviour being exhibited by PF leaders gives the impression that the Zambian government is under siege by scoundrels, jackals and so forth purportedly running the country,” Msoni stated.

“We further think that such reckless political statement and poor judgment on the part of the government speaks to the rot at the core of the government and does not in any way help the country reinforce the fight against graft. No serious government on earth can blatantly justify corruption and denounce citizens for regularly speaking out against corruption. We think that a sense of shame is not a bad moral campus for any self-respecting leadership. A government that relies on terror and violence to maintain itself in government is unfit for purpose.”

He stated that a government that resorts to terror and violence is a government that has lost legitimacy.

“Clearly, a government that resorts to perpetuating terror and violence against political opponents and muzzling the press is a government that has lost legitimacy and the argument for remaining in government. The willful proliferation of small arms and other offensive weapons in the hands of criminals is threatening the peace and tranquility Zambia has enjoyed since political independence. We denounce the sustained and the uncivilised attacks on political opponents in the strongest term,” stated Msoni. “We think that moral bankruptcy and criminality is what has reduced the credibility of the Zambian government amongst the dignified council of nations of the world. To this end, we call upon on our fraternal friends from the international community to take keen interest on the unraveling sponsored criminality being perpetrated and bankrolled by criminal elements of the PF regime ahead of the 2021 elections. The period prior to the polls is absolutely critical and crucial to attaining the desired peaceful democratic space necessary for the holding of free and fair elections.”


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