By Nonhlanhla Phuti

Political Analyst Dr. Alex Ng’oma has charged that former President Edgar Lungu will be a significant factor in the 2026 general election.

The People’s Pact Alliance has endorsed Mr. Lungu as its presidential candidate for the 2026 general election, framing this decision as a viable alternative to what they describe as the current mismanagement under the UPND.

Dr. Ng’oma has emphasized the importance for politicians grasping the prevailing sentiments among the populace, stating that Zambians are increasingly comparing their current circumstances to that under Mr. Lungu’s administration.

According to Dr. Ng’oma, Zambians are currently evaluating which regime represents the lesser evil, as both the former and current administrations have faced their own challenges and shortcomings but points out that many feel life was more affordable under Mr. Lungu’s regime.

He has since warned the UPND to address the ongoing high cost of living, as economic hardships could drive desperate citizens to make decisions based purely on basic necessities.

Dr. Ng’oma is further urging the ruling party to be mindful of its failure to fulfill its campaign promises related to affordable living conditions, such as providing cheap mealie-meal, ending load-shedding and managing fuel prices.



  1. Someone who has already served 2 terms of office can not be a major factor. Unless in the mind of lawless people and tantameni junkies who are career parasites to Lungu.

    The country is not short of quality leaders, let’s move away from the misadventures of ECL and how his financial recklessness plunged this country into unsustainable debt.

  2. But i feel very sad to see people talking good of the deadly snake, evil Lungu in comparison with the current regime under His Excillency President HAKAINDE Hichilema. Very sad indeed and i always find it very difficult to comprehend.

    First and foremost. Almost all the problems that we are facing and going through is a creation otherwise is because of the bad leadership of Edgar Lungu. No doubt about it.

    Now just think about the multitudes of people that died under the poor bloody leadership of lungu. These people will never ever be seen again in this life. Never.

    Talk of some Zambians tribes and people from certain districts and provinces that were sidelined otherwise blacklisted by Lungu and his assosiates, the preverlages that they were denied in terms of development, employment and generally the insults, tribal deamining remarks that they endured and went through if at all they will totally recover from it. NEVER only by the grace of God. Otherwise it will be very difficult for this category or group of people to heel – these people and the majority Zambians to recover or forgive and forget. It will take quite some time because the injuries and wounds were ao grave and are still very fresh especially when they see him talking highly of himself and his government. It pains to them so is to some and the majority of us. It is like fire burning inside of us and this is the big danger i see now going forward because it will be very heavy to carry and continue tolerating.

    1. Lungu stole
    2. Lungu led a corrupt government
    3. Lungu killed his own people
    4. Lungu brought a heavily tribalistic and regionalism government in Zambia
    5. Lungu collapsed the economy, borrowed heavily and carelessly while pockerting the mich needed revenue to benefit himself his family and PF cadres
    6. Lungu freezed salary adjustments and employment im the public service.
    7. Lungu denied children from less prevelleged families to attend school because education became so expensive that it remained just a preverlage for the rich.
    8. Lungu and uncle nkandu luo denied university students meal allowances while him and his ministers enjoyed heft allowances.
    9. Lungu starved most constituencies his K1.6 million CDF when he employed his strong hold song.
    10. Lungu killed many retirees by not paying them their retirement packages.
    11. Lungu starved most council workers who went for 7 to 8 months without pay when his cadres burnt money and always slept on money. They made money to be their mattresses. Then someone can come and start yapping that because of the cost of leaving UPND has failed and Lungu is a whatever? …..to hell you will go with your Lungu

    The rampant corruption, simply put the grave stealing of PF leaders and their cadres was so strife that a normal person can not even feel like upgrading this evil Lucifer with a hard working team and leadership. Peopeople who think in these lines are like those stealing medicines for sick people from hospitals knowing that the medicine that is supppsed to be given to a dying person can be stollen in order for them to be happy if one dies because of the shortage of medicine. Like those who steal coffins from the grave and throw away the dead body just for them to go and sale such coffins to other people or use it in their evil
    Motives to be compared with a hardworking government that is sweeping the feaces left by the PIEFU thugs, renegotiating the deadly debts left by ECL and his team that has and is still suffocating us. Surely can a normal person conderm someone thw
    or the doctor? Very worrying indeed . A THIEF COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. Such minds and people belong to such and we see you now always.

    But for me and my family neither hunger or anything can separate me from the love and good.

    A person who is always vomiting rubbish and unforgiving to be put in blue brackets when his motives are always evil.

    Surely with all these. Can one promote and say LUNGU to be a major factor? Based on what credentials

  3. We have already said it before and we want to say it now, those people who are over relying on Lungu despite being advised and warned will have themselves to blame and they will end up shedding tears. People should remember that despite the endorsements and support that he is enjoying now, his vulnerability is still very high because of the following reasons: 1. His eligibility case is still in Court, it can go either way. 2. At some point, the Courts may want him to present himself in some cases that he has been mentioned, e.g. his son and Malanji cases. 3. We still have two years before 2026 general elections, anything can happen, some direct or indirect cases involving him can arise. So all the Lungu enthusiasts and zealots should do things with caution otherwise taking things for granted now may have a very disappointing end.

  4. This bush political analyst from the cesspool. Just shut your dirty mouth!!!!

    Find something to do and get busy than dreaming on the internet. How can a self-proclaimed snake expect us to live him, when did man become buddies with vipers????

    • Agreed, the author is a bush witch hunter masquerading as scientist. The idiot has been Lungu’s zealot for a long time, which is why, he pretends not to know how brutal Lungu was when he gassed us, killed Zambians in cold blood, looted, plundered our coffers and corruptly obtained riches that not even his tenth generation will not finish.

      All Lungu is, is a murderer, thief, plunderer and a STUPID IDIOT.

  5. Fyonse ma rubbish mulelanda bakalume baku Zambezi region pa media .Sata and Lungu asked you to work with him but you are too tribal and refused to work with PF and the other thing you received threats from HH and Upnd that you were going to be fired from Upnd .So do not say PF was tribal it’s you guys who are tribal.You just hate people from other regions.You are just had hearted people.PF will bounce back in 2026 whether Imingalato or no imingalato.HH is gone with his useless honorary degrees and he will just display them in his community house after elections.


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