Tentani Mwanza dies

President of the National Democratic Party (NDP), one of the oldest political party, founded in 1992, Tentani Mwanzah has died.

Mr. Mwanzah, who recently joined the UPND alliance, died on Saturday evening.
Mwanzah was married to late Chief Justice Irene Mambilima’s sister, who is also unwell and admitted in Maina Soko hospital.

Recently the family had a wedding at which they celebrated the marriage of Zindaba, the first born son of the late Mwanzah who married the daughter of Muvi TV proprietor and politician Steven Nyirenda.

Mr. Mwanzah was an ardent follower of Kwame Khrumah and one of the few surviving true socialists.206496337_2962663990635907_7807384217293522109_n



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