Shadreck Kasanda sues State for illegal detention!

LUSAKA gold dealer Shadreck Kasanda

Kasanda sues State for illegal detention!

Businessman Sederick Kasanda is in detention over alleged aggravated robbery and has since applied before the High Court for an order that the State should present him before the courts of law.
This is contained in an ex-parte summons for leave to issue writ of habeas corpus.
A writ of habeas corpus is a court order which demands that a public official (such as a warden) deliver an imprisoned person to the court.
In his application for habeas corpus filed in the High Court, Mr Kasanda, through his lawyers, submits that on October 26, 2023, while in remand at Mwembeshi Maximum Prison, awaiting appearance and trial by the High Court on a charge of Espionage, he was called by police officers.

He says the police officers called him for an interview at Westwood police station, in Chilanga.
“After the said interviews,I was arrested for the offence of aggravated robbery and taken back into custody at Mwembeshi Maximum Prison,” he submits.

Mr Kasanda complains that he was never taken to any court of competent jurisdiction for the subject of aggravated robbery until he was released on bail for the offence o Espionage in connection with the thwarted Kenneth Kaunda Intentional Airport Gold case.
He submits that on February 26, 2024, he was called by police officers from police headquarters for the purposes of an interview and that he presented himself there.

“After a brief interview, I was taken to Twin Palm Police Station where I was detained,” he adds.
Mr Kasanda complains that he is currently still detained at Twin Palm police station and has not been taken to any court of competent jurisdiction.

“I am aware that attempts to. Have me brought before any court of competent jurisdiction have failed as the respondent’s agents have insisted that I continue spending nights at Twin Palm police station without being taken to court. My detention at Twin Palm police station is illegal and unconstitutional,” the document reads.

He submits that is it therefore needful for the High Court to adopt special responsibility regarding the illegal detention and denial of his liberty and rights by the State and its agents.

“The court must anxiously scrutinize my illegal detention. The state will not in any way be prejudiced if this court granted me leave to issue a writ of habeas”.

Credit – NKANI



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