Stanley Kakubo was one of the best Ministers in this govt- Laura Miti


Laura Miti writes…

Stanley Kakubo was one of the best Ministers in this government. He was solid, sober and well spoken, when representing Zambia on the international arena. For his perfomance, it’s sad to see him go.

But then, on the integrity question, he had to go. It’s tragic how so many gifted people are brought down by that side of things. Money and sex being the top claimants of the world’s top talent.

With Kakubo, his issue is very much a civil case. He is accused of crooking business partners. That amateur story of renting out one property or selling a piece of land to more than one person. It always boggles my mind how anyone expects to get away with that.

There is, however, a second extremely serious side to the former Minister’s alleged shenanigans. It is tax evasion. No Minister should handle the amounts Mr Kakubo is being accused of, in cash.

Read the Financial Intelligence Centre Reports, and see the millions, in dollars, that Zambia loses because powerful people and entities just do not pay the tax we need to buy medicines and improve our education. It is a cancer that must be seriously punished when identified.

Back to Kakubo being an able Minister in a Cabinet where a few should have long gone, I am reminded of one of the most brutally honest statements I’ve heard in my life.

A friend lost a brother-in-law in a car-crash. He was known to be a good husband to her sister. I went to the funeral house and she says – Laura wewo sure, Mulungu naye. Kutola Amlamu banzelu, kusiya chizende changu. Then she wailed.

Me – what do I say to that?


  1. One thing l will never support is the propensity of most of our leaders inclination to systematically transfer Zambia’s naturally endowed resources into the hands of foreigners who eventually enslave the Zambian’s. That wealth when transfered will never come back to Zambian’s and eventually everything will be in foreign hands


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