By Yona Musukwa

President Lungu’s apologists can make you laugh and cry at the same time. The way they always want to shield him from blame and remove him from a crime scene is laughable if not sad.

Just pay attention to how they are trying hard to avoid the elephant in the Room, that the problem here starts from the very top, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. These lame and laughable excuses like, “The President is not aware”, “people are cheating him”, “Nywe, nywe, nywe”,

Wena apologist, just shut up. President Lungu is the Chairman of IDC. Those fancy nobodies at ZCCH-IH can’t do this nonsensical and stupid Gold joint Venture without the President and Ministers knowing. Shifting blame to fancy nobodies at ZCCH-IH is either you are suffering from lazy thinking or just plain dishonest.

That Sudanese group chairman of this company is always found with PF senior politicians. This Gold Scam masquerading as a Joint Venture has Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) written all over it. It is nothing but a scam to defraud Zambia.


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