The K1.6 million CDF fund during our regime was able to build schools, hospitals, unlike the UPND’s K30 million CDF which is not seen its results- Edgar Lungu


Former President Edgar Lungu has urged the United Party for
National Development (UPND) government not to boast about
creating job opportunities.

Lungu says the UPND are boasting of employing Teachers and
Health workers in the schools and hospitals built by the
Patriotic Front.

” They say we employed Teachers and Health workers in the
schools and hospitals built by us, they should not even boast,”
Lungu said.

He says the UPND have done nothing so far.

Asked on the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) increment,
Lungu said the money just goes in people’s pockets, they don’t
do anything.

” The K1.6 million CDF fund during our regime was able to build
schools, hospitals, we were able to put up infrastructures,
unlike the K30 million CDF which is not seen its results,” he

He says the Members of Parliament (MPs) now only manages to
build the a 1*3 classroom block and the other money is not seen
where it is going.

When I heard HH in Parliament saying we have increased CDF, I
said “bakamifwalika amala yambushi mumukoshi,” ( they will
dress you goat’s intestines round your neck) Lungu said.

Meanwhile, Lungu says the UPND are full of propaganda, they
made sure people believe that PF over borrowed the money when
infact they have borrowed more.

“If we were in charge we would have found a way to settle the
debt. They have borrowed more than we did and no one knows
where they have taken the money,” he said.

However, Lungu says if people wants him to rule again he will
come back to power.

” I just want to help PF not to die, I can’t be sited seeing
the MP taking over PF, but if Zambians wants me back to power,
I will bounce back,” said Lungu.

And speaking on the current appreciation of the Zambian kwacha
against the US dollar, Lungu said he is hoping the UPND did not
steal from the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

The Kwacha has continued to register some gains following
interventions from the Central Bank.

On Tuesday 6 February, 2024, the Bank of Zambia injected 50.3
million United States dollars into the market to save the
kwacha from further depreciation.


    • Actually he raises good points.

      A good point, is a good point regardless of who raises it.

      That does not mean ECL should replace HH in 2026. We need to find new blood that is not corrupt like HH or ECL. Ba pompwe should retire.

      • Ati ” I would have found a way of paying the debt”!!! The guy had defaulted was not even in any discussion with the creditors had When I read some of Lungu’s statements I marvel that he must have a very low opinion of Zambians IQ. Then I read a comment like this from IndigoTyrol and I think “perhaps he has an audience that actually take him seriously”!

        • That auudience is the kind that lives by “DBL” Drinking by luck. They dont do anything, the are the kind that wake up in the morninnghave a shower or roll outof bed and head to awisi Tasila’s gate and tantanama for his hand outs. Or lay in wait for him at the local bar for him to show up so he can buy them a drink.

      • Taking away free education is a play?
        Have you read the last Census report and what it suggests the population is heading? So when you live is Chawama that in your opinion is Zambia?
        Clearly, Indigo your notion of Zambian issues are limited to the outlook of a man whose parents educated their son Edgar at a government school while working in the mines. They left their village in the Eastern province cause they had money? Edgar went to join the army as an officer cadet cause he had a better choice of employment? He went to UNZA as a self sponsored student? His mother and father gave him money to feed himself at UNZA? Somtimes we need to use our heads to think.
        Lungu failed to lead Zambia. He sqandered the economic opportunities that he had to effectly use the money that he and his government borrowed and we read where some of that money went. The President’s retirement package is peanuts? Then explain where he got the money that he is living on cause believe me, even if he saved every penny he earned while in office, its running out paying lawyers and the upkeep of his large brood and grand children.

    • Not any bit. If you look at the broader picture, what ECL is saying is very true. K1.6million/year and they left us new schools and clinics and mini hospitals for 10 years.
      UPND on the other hand is spending K30 millon/year something that could have been used for 15years in one constituency. All we are seeing from this is 1 block expansion, wall fence renovation, Maternity ward renovation and nothing else. Mind you only for 3 years these constituencies have consumed a sum of not less than K70million each with nothing to show for it. We were supposed to be London come ON!.

  1. The Kwacha appreciation will not last. There is nothing to sustain this appreciation. BOZ is pumping in a lot of money for these optics, which wear off in a few weeks.

    I would not be surprised if NAPSA has been raided.

    And I would not be surprised if UPND have indeed borrowed more money than PF. They are more corrupt than PF. This is not what we voted for.

    • Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise.
      When has the Kwacha been sustainable? If you were alive in 1982 when the auction system was introduced. Why did BOZ introduce it? Look at the structure of the Zambian economy. Zambia is not a producer. Its a trading nation and a net importer of goods and services. Stop being a partisan “hack” until we address the fundamentals the lala land you think you’d live in under PF and awisi Tasila is a short term and unsustainable dream.
      If Awisi Tasila notion of government is for it dish out money to Zambians. He doesnt understand what the role of government is. Ni ku ganiza kwa muchibuku.
      Zambians have to be productive for us to get out of these “doldrums” not believing that if we “line up” for his brown envelopes whose source we dont know, then we love him. And agree with his foolish ideas.

    • You are living in self-denial. Wake up! Things are changing. The Kwacha is on the offensive. It’s bullish. Money is being invested in the mines on the Copperbelt. When they start producing, they will be sales. The new policy that all revenues from sales of copper should pass through the Zambian account will sustain the value of the Kwacha.

  2. Lungu always loved talking in vague terms – like a guy me komboni. Even His own MPs have now stopped criticising the increased CDF but are busy putting it to use. In his time some constituencies in opposition strongholds.would either not get it or get it very late.

  3. I think the Wailers band ought to replace Awisi Tasila with some else who could organise their concerts better if they have to attract some fans. Awisi Tasila has lost his memory to an extent that he can’t even remember that it free education which enabled him to go to school which enabled him to be what he is. His eyes can’t see the massive development going on in all constituencies using CDF. The man doesn’t remember anything at all.
    Awisi Tasila and the Wailers.

  4. I am looking for a big, bigger and biggest insult in the dictionary to insult this shameless idiot and the leader of thieves, looters, murderers, gassers and STUPID IDIOTS.

    Indeed once s dog always s dog. STUPID IDIOT.

  5. ELC needs to be in a mental asylum. He does not live with us. Honestly that 1.6 m was finishing in offices of the DCs and mushanina bwalis.
    How did we end up with this numbskull

  6. Meno meno lungu adada the most dangerous criminal and thieving human we have never had in Zambia, the most useless and mentally disabled person who’s dna as a thief has been injected beyond his children, stop talking as a mad man Mr kachasu man just continue resting in eternal grave you have got nothing to offer to this mess you created in this country subjecting to poverty at the expense of enriching yourself and the surrounding minions, you’re an idiot

  7. This is a mad man. Nichisilu ichi. I comfort myself that I never voted for this imbecile who was put in pole position to succeed Sata in the mistaken belief that he will be be easily pushed aside. Now see the damage that has been done to the country emanating out of those selfish motives


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