Dr. Fred M'membe
Dr. Fred M'membe

By Fred M’membe

We have the right to dislike or totally disagree with what Mr Joseck Kunda, the National Ambassador, Chair and founder of the Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles, is saying. But let’s listen carefully and with respect to what he is saying. Fairness and justice are the two rocks on which Zambia can be raised to heights. Lose either one we come crashing down down until we are nothing, scrabbling around for salvation in the ebbing tide of the twenty first century.

In the face of these great economic challenges of continuous rising costs of living, growing unemployment and inequality we need to pull together and strengthen ourselves by unity. By the strength of our common endeavour, we will achieve more than we can achieve divided on tribal or regional lines. Fragmentation into small tribal or regional bantustans will simply finish us off.

Let’s make the good that is in the heart of each of us serve the good of all of us.
This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in. The tribal or regional favouritism of Mr Hichilema and his neocolonial UPND puppet regime will take us nowhere; it will destroy this country. If we give them another term of office in 2026 we should forget about a united, progressive and prosperous One Zambia, One Nation.

Fred M’membe


  1. Ba mmembe takuli eko muleya imwe .Everyone knows you are a hater.
    You are one of those with your relative sishuwa promoting outdated tribal politics .
    You actually coined the term bantustan because of hating people from the southern province and you want to be president!!lol do u know how many votes come from there??ukose

  2. Fuledi you have no chance and will never ever lead this country. We know you hate people from certain regions and they are watching you closely. You are nothing but a people hating tax evading nonsensical fake political leader who thinks people are dull and only you knows it all. You know nothing . Keep misleading yourself.

  3. I’m not sure if Fred M’membe is the kind of person Zambians are looking for as their next President after HH. When he loses the 2026 presidential election again, he will probably learn another lesson but it would be risky to bet on it. I do not place a high probability on a M’membe victory in 2026 but I cannot place a zero probability on it either. There’s such a thing as voter stupidity, you know.


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