VEDANTA URGED TO RESPECT LAWS….now that they have gotten back KCM



….now that they have gotten back KCM

Lusaka… Monday July 1, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

The Zambians for Unity Peace and Development (ZUPED) has urged Vedanta Resources to respect the Zambians laws now that they have gotten back Konkola Copper Mines Plc.

ZUPED President Ronnie Jere says it is important that the giant mining firm respects labor laws as they take over the operations of KCM.

He has told journalists in Lusaka that the investor must as well respect the environmental laws as they do their mining activities.

“We are all aware that now it is no longer a rumor that Vedanta has finally taken over KCM based on the scheme of arrangement that has been approved by the Lusaka High Court. We want to implore the giant mining firm now they have taken over KCM, they should respect the Zambians labor laws,” he said.

“We implore the firm to respect the Zambia’s environmental laws and mine according to the frame of our environmental laws.”

Mr Jere further implored the investor to also ensure that they employ Zambians in key positions at KCM.

He said the business community is also looking forward to having business at the mine as suppliers and contractors.



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