VIDEO: Chella Tukuta addresses praise singers



  1. Mr Tukuta you are heard loud and clear, though sounding childish.It is now getting clear that appointing young people in higher offices is a challenge in Zambia.Firstly he should tell us what caused the termination of his job if he accepted or not I mean understanding the reasons.On promises and cost of living fuel , mealiemeal and ZESCO tariffs.
    Fuel prices are really determined by various factors ranging from price from the source, transportation cost and of course kwacha dollar ratios.Now promises may not be achievable if certain variables change beyond government control.You must remember that while in opposition UPND was not prevy with how PF damaged the economy with a lot of credits on fuel.UPND didn’t know the extent of looting that occurred.Promises were given thinking the coffers were left well yet people in previous government shared the money part of which is being used to fight the one fixing the damage.Meliemeal was to be cheaper had it not been for climate change you know the rain was not adequate,yet farmers grew a lot of maize with support from government.ZESCO tariffs increament was long overdue, this company was not spared from plander with a lot of ghost workers.This company suffered from vandalism , there cables and transformers have been vandalised so much that they need to replace a lot of things now I don’t know how you want the company to operate on insufficient funding while supplying power efficiently.No one is happy when prices go up but it is important to understand the reasons.You who have the Monopoly of thinking can advise on how to correct certain things.But I know you have no capacity.Join armchair critics since you have already effected after receiving some admonishing whacks.

  2. The best job for this idyot is taking nude pictures of women which he later blackmails. He is failure in life and he can never understand the economic fundamentals work. This means it’s pointless entertaining into an economic discourse with this imbwa.
    He things policy delivery is an event when it isn’t. He doesn’t even understand the long term impacts of the debt! He thinks by voting for UPND, the commodity prices were going to fall in one day. Such is his deep rooted stupidity and ignorance that I wonder what HH was thinking of when appointing this idyot.
    Nobody can take the jungle out of that head to sanitise Tukuta Chella; it’s inborn and part of his DNA.


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