VIDEO: Father Chewe Mukosa warns ECL and  PF to stop using his surmon to benefit their narrative…IT’S ALL ABOUT SOCIAL JUSTICE, THAT IS WHAT I PREACH- FR. MUSOKA


LUFWANYAMA based Catholic Priest Father Andrew Chewe Mukosa has set the record straight stating that no political party should gain mileage from his preaching on societal justice.

Fr Mukosa says the message preached on Holy Saturday of the Easter period should not be taken advantage of as he stays loyal to his church, the Catholic Church.

He has also clarified that today, April 9th, he is not appearing for police summon as is being purported because the summon was withdrawn and so he does not expect anyone to be in attendance.

“My message is purely social justice. And my message should not be taken advantage of or used by any political party. My message is pure and I said it because I am a priest and I preach in church. I am not aligned to a political party or affiliated. I have not been paid by anyone and I am not a member of any other political party,” he said.

He also confirmed that as a priest, he is not vying for any political position nor looking for monetary funds.

“I have seen on Facebook people are using my message for so many things, but to tell you the truth, I am a priest who turned to social justice and so tomorrow (today) April 9th, 2024 I was summoned to go to police, but it was cancelled and I do not expect anyone to be there,” he said.

Fr Mukosa added by thanking the State and everyone involved in the cancellation of the statement which was a misunderstanding.

He further added that Zambians should remain peaceful and not be divided.

“Do not gain political mileage from my preaching. I am loyal to my church,” he said.

(Mwebantu, Tuesday, April 9th, 2024)


  1. The above heading of this article is totally misleading. There’s nowhere pf and UKA have been mentioned both in the father’s video and written article.

  2. There is nothing wrong with the headline. No one else except PeeEfu are the one’s who have been milking that sermon and trying to clock political mileage. Please have some shame and decency.

  3. Well said Ba kubweka.
    Social justice? On what basis? When Jesus fed the masses, he did use social justice? He didnt ask the Roman rulers or tax collectors to feed the masses? Am left wondering where social Justice comes in when we read just yesterday. From the empty coffers the British Government is coming in to help with sicial cash transfer. Now instead of bring back “ka saka ka ndalama” that they are using to cause instability, and kuyada beka they are instigating. So when we become the next Sudan. Will they stay behind or be the first to run?

  4. Concentrate on feeding the flock, social justice whatever you call it is never a priest’s job. Jesus will reward you for bringing souls to him and not about social justice, what’s wrong with the Clergy of nowadays, almost everyone shifting to politics. You can’t save two Masters bwana, you have to choose one, Jesus or politics.

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