Why South Africa  treating Zambia like a poor relative from the village that does not deserve reciprocity- Miles Sampa


Miles Sampa writes:

Sophie Mokoena
SABC Senior Reporter
Johannesburg,South Africa


Greetings Madam,

Read your article done out of China that South Africa has endorsed a South African Madam Tshabalala for the top AD Bank job. It is surprising to us Zambians given that not long ago, SADC Head of States at their summit in Harare endorsed for the same job a Mr Maimbo who is a Zambian working at the World Bank.

Why has South Africa abandoned that position? Why are they treating Zambia like a poor relative from the village that does not deserve reciprocity seeing how much Zambia has been there for SA and the ANC from the Apartheid days in Kenneth Kaunda era todate ?

When will South Africa ever bend a little for Zambia atleast just for once ?

Please pose this question from me to any competent ANC Minister that is close to the topic.

Many thanks in advance and Best Regards,

Miles Sampa, MP
President of the opposition Patriotic Front in Zambia

(Sophie has interviewed me before & has acknowledged my Inbox Funso and says will follow up  on my request upon landing in SA from China)


  1. It takes years to build a friendship, but it takes seconds to wreck it. Zambia under KK built great friendships around the world and in the neighbourhood, but a couple of new Zambian leaders have broken the ties in the last few years.

  2. Why bore us with this childish writing please twapapata. Let Miles Hisampa talk his mentor Hichilema! He’s the cause all this! Pantu ifwe fwe baba normal mature we look at Miles as being very immature!


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