ZESCO halts mass Exodus of engineers


ZESCO halts mass Exodus of engineers.

According to an internal memorandum issued on 16th September, 2024 Maxwell Saya, Dire tor( HC&D), ZESCO has, with immediate effect, halted all requests for mutal seperation.

The corporation is plaqued by mass corruption, systemic failure, lack of foresight and forecast by the board and management, tribalism, negligence, top heavy management and incompetence.

Now professionals want to leave in droves..and ZESCO won’t let them.

Fire that board and management! Why would professionals, in this era of few or no job opportunities, seek to leave lucrative employment? Something terribly wrong at ZESCO.


  1. This was expected by us who knows ZESCO. Victor was fired by Robinson MWANSA when we were together there. He was an incompetent Lusaka West Regional manager controlled by his wife. It was a mistake for HH to use the tribalism card to appoint him. He was also fire in Botswana for gross incompetence. He lacks initiative, is petty, nepotistic and highly vindictive. He after appointment he fired all directors and senior managers and appointed his tribe mates and elevated others including our very dull friends who got silent degrees from UNZA simply because they are from the south. Unfortunately he cannot be removed unless Ncube is waging war against the whole UPND including you know who. He was warned before. My friend was fired for being an easterner and he has gone back to west Africa (Gambia) despite being diabetic. He was called from Liberia where he did an excellent job as distribution planning Director there and UPND heard from the other high flyer who was in Nigeria and still is. It’s along story. But HH fucked up on Victor Mapani. Tribe does not work in big Parastatals unless Zampost. ZICTA same this. Check where MD hails from and his credentials. I rest my case.

    • The point you’re making here seems to be that only Tonga engineers are incompetent and those from elsewhere are the only ones who are good enough. Do you for one minute consider how tribalistic that sounds? If there has been a purge of non-Tonga engineers, where have those who are trying to leave come from? Late Robinson Mwansa had himself left Zesco to work for Eskom in South Africa during the last years of the Apartheid regime. He was brought back by the Chiluba MMD and headed Zesco for a decade or thereabouts, longer than anyone else in recent years. This business of making other tribes and their languages a by-word for tribalism has a long history in Zambia. It requires an appropriate response before Zambia reaches a tipping point. I’m not defending Victor Mapani because I have no information about how he’s running Zesco. I cannot be swayed by biased accounts from someone like you.


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