George Sichula NDC Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson



1. All influencial MCC members and those vocal PF members have gone mute, and not defending the party. Where is; Given Lubinda, Nkandu luo, Jean Kapata and many more? Can it be that they are not happy with what is happening? Notice one thing, all true/original PF members are quiet and not saying anything.

2. Only MMD members like Bowman and Dora have been defending the so called PF. I guess they talk to defend their interest. These guys used to beat us during campaign but today have become our bosses. When Dora Siliya called President Sata a mad man, she was Information Minister and today she holds the same position.

3. The PF has adopted the same methods of campaigns; spending alot on materials/money to buy votes, violence, faking of defections and distracting journalists. Any media house accommodating the views of the opposition will be perceived to be fighting the Government of the day.

5. Look at the composition of the cabinet, MMD members have taken most of the influencial ministerial positions and not the PF true/original members. The PF has been swallowed by the MMD shark.

6. Out of 22 members of parliament in the copperbelt, 5 are PF originals/ greens and 17 are all MMD members and that includes Bowman, Malanji, Chiteme and so on.

7. The same way Dora Siliya behaved towards the media in the MMD is the same way she is behaving to sink the Government. Even that time she spoke with confidence that MMD was winning the 2011 elections but lost to PF. Except they have managed to regain their position.

8. The corruption which made the Zambian people to kick out the MMD has continued even worse in this Government.

9. The suffering of the PF members like any other Zambians have deepened now. The same way you suffered in opposition, you are still suffering even the more. Where are the jobs? Atleast money is there but in the pockets of a few ministers. Notice something, every minister is spending money in their constituencies. Giving mealie meal and the like.

10. Winning bye elections to decieve people that they are still popular.

Believe me or not, the PF members are not in charge of Government. The party is hijacked by the MMD. The true PF is the NDC now.

Issued by;

George Sichula
NDC Copperbelt provincial Chairman


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