…Milupi is worth US$9m, Speaker US$22m

LUSAKA, Monday, April 11, 2022 (Daily Nation)

ONLY 11 out of 25 Cabinet Ministers have declared their assets in accordance with the law.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti has the highest net worth K380 million (about US$22million) followed by the Minister of Infrastructure, Housing Urban and Development, Charles Milupi, has declared the highest net worth among cabinet ministers of US$9,095,000.

Recently Ministry of Information and Media, Director of Media and Spokesperson Thabo Kawana claimed that all Ministers in the new dawn administration had declared their assets, but Information minister, Chushi Kasanda has not yet declared her assets as required by law.

Article 263 of the Zambian Constitution, Act No. 2 of 2016 requires that all persons holding public office declare their assets and liabilities before assuming or leaving office in the register submitted to the office of the Chief Justice.

And according to the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct, Cap 16 of the Laws of Zambia, all Members of Parliament, Cabinet and Speaker of the National Assembly must make annual declarations of their interests, assets, liabilities, and incomes 30 days after their first date of appointment and 30 days after every anniversary.

The Act states interalia that:
10 (2) An officer shall- (a) within thirty days after his appointment; and (b) within thirty days after each anniversary of his appointment to the office concerned; submit to the Chief Justice an annual declaration of assets, liabilities, and income in accordance with this section.

But according to information obtained by the Daily Nation Newspaper, only 11 cabinet ministers, the Vice President Mutale Nalumango, Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti, First Deputy speaker, Malungo Chisangano, second deputy Speaker Moses Moyo and less than 40 members of Parliament had so far declared their assets and liabilities.

Health Minister, Slyvia Masebo, has a total net worth of over K50 Million and declared total liabilities amounting to only K120, 000 officially listed as loans and interests.

Lands and Natural Resources Minister, Elijah Muchima, who is also member of Parliament for Ikelengi has declared his assets at a total net work of K182 million, liabilities worth K3, 705, 000.
Mr Muchima also has 50% shares in Northwest mining venture, 30% in Fibolele Emerald Mining, 50% shares in Elisefano Limited.

And Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe who is Lusaka Central MP, has a total net worth of K14.8 million which comprises various luxurious properties in Lusaka, including a block of flats; a dwelling house at Chilanga and another dwelling house at Ibex Hill.

Mr Haimbe declared liabilities of about K1million.
Meanwhile Defense Minister Ambrose Lufuma has listed his total net worth of over K12.2 million (about US$706,000).

Minister of Water Development and Sanitation Mike Mposha who is Munali MP has net worth of K15.4 million with liabilities of K120, 154. 36 while Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane declared assets worth K116, 020, 000 with no liabilities.

Others are Energy Minister Peter Kapala who has a net worth of K57.2 million while Jack Mwiimbu who is Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister has a net worth K45.6 Million with liabilities amounting to K120, 000.

Elvis Nkandu who is Sports Minister has a net worth of over K1. 3 million while his counterpart, Agriculture Minister Reuben Mtolo Phiri has net worth of K17, 425, 000.

The Vice President W K Mutale Nalumango who is also the leader of government business has declared an impressive K18.2 million (about US$1.1million) in total assets.

Vice-President Nalumango’s declaration had no liabilities.

However, the cabinet ministers who have not yet declared their assets and liabilities are Information and Media Minister Chushi Kasanda, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Stanley Kakubo, Local Government and Rural Development minister Gary Nkombo, Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Minister Elias Mubanga, Doreen Mwamba of Community Development and Social Services, Makozo Chikota of Fisheries and Livestock. Others are Minister of Toursim Rodney Sikumba, Labour and Social Security Brenda TambaTamba, Education Minister Douglas Syakalima, Frank Tayali Minister of Transport and Logistics.

Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Chipoka Mulenga has also not declared his assets and liabilities, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Paul Kabuswe and Collins Nzovu of Green Economy and Environment.- Daily Nation


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