200,000 cars to be de-registered

Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA)

200,000 cars to be de-registered

THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has started the process of de-registering non-compliant motor vehicles from the National Vehicle Register with the first phase involving 223,148 automobiles.

This is provided for in section 25 (1) (2) of the Road Traffic Act no.11 of 2022.

RTSA acting head of public relations Mukela Mangolwa said the first phase involves 223,148 motor vehicles which will cease to be part of the vehicle population registered under RTSA.

“The de-registration process will take effect on September 1, 2023. The affected vehicles have not complied with any statutory requirements such as test certificates or certificate of fitness, motor vehicle insurance and road tax.

“The identified vehicles have been inactive for more than five years on both the Zambia Transport Information System (ZamTIS) and the Electronic Zambia Information System (e-ZamTIS),” Mr Mangolwa said.

He said Motor vehicle owners can access the full list of the affected motor vehicles on www.rtsa.org.zm.

Mr Mangolwa said RTSA wishes to remind members of the public, operators and companies that all vehicles plying on public roads in Zambia must be registered with RTSA.

He said when the vehicles are registered, they must comply with all statutory requirements as provided by the law.
( Zambia Daily Mail)


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