[By Parkie Mbozi]

On 26th May 2021, News Diggers published an article titled, “My job is to sell PF to the people – Kambwili.” The article ran on both print and online editions of the paper. A debate ensued about Chishimba Kambwili’s popularity and the value he takes to the Patriotic Front (PF) election campaigns since he rejoined the party on Saturday 1st May 2021.

In the article titled, ‘Umwine wa cisushi – Kambwili puts PF and judicial system in spotlight’ published in The Mast on 21st May 2021, I argued that Kambwili’s influence on voters was neither here nor there depending on who one asked. In this era of interactive media where media audiences have a say, I decided to dedicate this article to gauging the readers’ views on the matter. I used the online (digital version) of the News Diggers article to gather the readers’ reactions as they appeared on 27th May 2021, by midday.

This story attracted 98 comments, which we publish below. They are unedited and in the order that they appear on the site. The names of the authors are also provided as published. Both the story and ALL the 98 comments can be accessed on:


Here go the reader views:

Sylvester Moomba: With all that long essay on how bad the leadership of PF was in the eyes of Kambwili. Who is going to join his selfdeclared state of Lunas, because he clearly made a public statement that going back to PF under leadership of president Lungu is being a Lunatic. Let him enjoy his Lunas than worsting his time and breath to preach the opposite of what he had been preaching for that long about PF current leadership.


Lubinda Mulobela: Just stay home bakambwili relax what are you going to the miners whom you told that pf has destroyed the mining sector what has changed now ba mudala just stay home

Elias Mununga: very true. voters have already decided even if rallies there is no. the general public are following everything closely.

Chilomba Anashi: You need to do the damage control you have already damaged PF by your own words zambians are not fools piyefu. Zambians want to see the economy of reshaped, debt repayments plan fiscal, but piyefu dont have this vision, yourself baba Niku wire na piyefu

Zack Don: So PF gave you that job or you applied? Dr. Dr. Chishimba Kambwili we’ve told you time and again just to shut up. You can do well to remain silent. Yama muleikoseleshafye, YOU NOLONGER MAKE SENSE BOSS

Aggrey K Mutakwa: But Kambwili sold the UPND to me few months ago. So am voting.

Emelda Litana: Dr. Dr. Chishimba Kambwili failed to sell NDC he left it pa Kamwala , he assisted me buy UPND and am finishing to pay the balance pay 12 the August 2021 now he comes again that he’s selling PF after discouragin g me to buy it….awe Dad sit down and reflect….if it’s about your stomach I understand you need more food than any other Zambian because your stomach is big….

Mohamed Zahir Lulat: Our job is to reject expired goods .

Asa Amisi: This man rejoined because of his cases otherwise he lost trust and confidence in PF a long time. He knows that PF is not easy to sell. Apart from harsh economic situation their cadres are busy de-campaigning their party through political violence, and intimidation and harassment of professional civil servants. Not only that marketeers, transporters, street vendors daily endure the venom of these cadres.

Simon MN: Pf as a party is not saleable, just prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally because this August you parking and going

Annie S Hang’andu: You have already sold the pf..we can not reverse it.. sorry ba kambwili this time no one is taking you serious

Bernard Zuze: Are you sure you will manage to sell paya farmer to the people? Has the great alpha and omega of allowed you to do that? Just asking. If so then good luck.

Kenny Mutambo: Kambwili is someone I can’t take seriously, he is one coin with multiple sides.

Daniel Nyalazi: Hope you will not be selling an expired product. . If only your message will be that the koraputi and the pompwes have left the icipani, Zambians are likely to shun your product. Good luck.

Panyelekesa Pati Apo: We don’t buy rotten katundu—sorry bwana bwiliz—-try to sale us something new.

Kelvin Mshanga: Sorry there are no buyers For your commodity.

Martin Ngandu: And the job which you fail completely

Joseph Ilunga: Are you coming with global solutions this time around, because according to piefu all the problems this country is undergoing are all global in nature, there’s nothing these leaders muchipani can do to attend to them, if theliz no, why should we keep you?

Forbes Michell: From the position a minister to a cadre u are finished like a nut without threds

Zak Zim: His job is to sell the pf? Sorry am not buying

David Kunda Mupanga: Dr. Chishimba Kambwili selling the Pf to the people and they win elections, and again they chase you like a dog like they did last time. What are you going to do? Have time to sit down reasoning and think in and outside the box.

Mwangilwa Bwalya: Selling PF to anyone is like selling rotten food which will induce diarrhea.

Munalula Lungowe Gift: Now who do you think is going to buy what you had vomited. INSONI EBUNTU

Joshua Mweetwa Mweeka: I still remember what you said on Ask Muvi TV words you said are “lunatic” and “mad” I have just forgotten the story you said anyone to remind me

Steve Maz: I heard you are getting acquitted in most of the court charges. Is it becoz you are selling pf?

Legion Mwiinga: Who will buy your PF you are selling to the people?

Nzala Malambo: When there is no market!!!!! Kkkkkkkkkkk.

Mwaka Adam Sichone: You will sale it to your family

Shwana simangolwa III: Dumped and dusted

Ndopu Nawa: Which people?

Francis M Kamwi: What about the ill economy

David Kunda Mupanga: Not this time Dr. Chishimba Kambwili because you are now a man

not worth to be honest and trusted. Your political career has just ended mark my words. Come 12th August 2021. Ati “I will be a Lunatic if a go back to Pf.” So if someone calls you a Lunatic, are you going to be offended?

Joyce Mutafela Simate: I followed what you said about them , I have already changed my mind, No reverse it’s forward.

Cosam Nkhoma: Who can take kambwili seriously?

Olo Kani: You also…how do you sell PF wen not too long ago you told us PF stinks cooorrrupptionnn…you think we r dull like YOU

Sombrina Kangelo: Even if I have billions of money I can never buy pfool

Jay Jay: people don’t want to buy!

Deo: This isn’t different from the Boeing 737 Max 8,even after several major fixes that aircraft still isn’t fit to keep flying

Patricia Phiri: His not even one of the managers

Richard Chisalaba: kwena politicians have no shame. what are u going to tell people?

Chifundo Chapola: To sell ba pompwe……

Mwaaba Ackson Chiyombwe: What the Mukula tree is there to sell to the people sure

Rose Tembo: Which people?

Kakwete Nakubiana: He knows that pf is going nowhere

Enoch Chinyama: Y ou already have a job? Chalo ici

John Holiday: Who can buy it?

Hibbuku Hamundyoli Mpooma: I wonder which fool is going to buy

Mwata Katambo: How can you sale Icisushi?

Stanley Peace Siwale:You have sold them out already… #alebwelelamo_kuchawama

and see.

James Mukuka: PF doesn’t respect the Rule of Law Under the humble leader he has a court issue but he will proceed with campagns today

Benson Mulenga Jnr: Pretenders

Conclusion: Going by the views of the above readers, if the PF think they caught a ‘big fish’ in Kambwili for their 2021 campaigns, chances are that they are flogging a dead horse: mwaloba ilyauma!

The author is a media, governance and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He is reachable on pmbozi5@yahoo.com.


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