A Leadership Which Does Not Inspire Its People Is A Danger To Democracy




By: Ngombo Ngombo

In a democratic state, people expects inspiration from its elected Govt. representatives.

That is why it is imperative that every regime strives to govern its people in a way that is in tandem with true servant hood, which means that the governed are the masters to those whom they have elected to lead them.

For a number of African countries where there is accountability and transparency on how leaders Govern their people, which translates into better lives and better living conditions for the majority and usually marginalized citizens.

But unfortunately, that is not the case with Zambia, which falls short of such country is opposed to this kind of leadership attributes, the ability is invisible when you assess the challenges people are faced with ,and the amount of time spent defending crimes while spending resources to demonize the opposition party leaders.

We have ministers who are alleged in corrupt vices but they continue to serve as ministers, the Malaysian govt exposed the smuggled Mukula from our country, the police have been escorting some, then who is behind these scandals no one has the right to investigate and report to the nation, We have seen reports on illicit transactions involving political individuals in govt , purchase of counterfeit drugs and issued to our hospitals , theft on the purchases of fire tenders and ambulances ,

We have also seen how farmers were denied access of farming inputs ,those who received got them late ,the scarcity of mealie meal a staple food which has seen the price rise because of the high demand ,we can try and compare ,for 20 years it took the people of Zambia during the MMD govt to buy a bag of mealie meal @K36-00, the pump fuel price which was last @ K5-50 ,bread was @ K4-00 ,after that PF promised better change of living for the poor majority Zambians , in less than 8 years of power mealie meal is at a very uncertain price of K 200-00 ,the pump fuel price is @ k18-25 , bread is @ K 11-00 , this is a very strange marginal difference considering the periods in power , the statistics are indicating the sharp rise in prices which categorically points to a failed economy of this country.



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