Bampi Aubrey Kapalasa

By Michael Kaluba

Transparency International Zambia -TIZ- has challenged the Anti-Corruption Commission to take keen interest in recent revelations of possible corrupt practices where Katuba UPND Member of Parliament Aubrey Kapalasa was allegedly given a motor vehicle in exchange for him to vote for bill 10.

Mr. Kapalasa’s wife, Fanny Madzi, recently sued the state demanding for the release of her motor vehicle which was allegedly gifted to her husband by foreign affairs minister, Joseph Malanji.

The vehicle was recently seized by the police after the relationship between Mr. Kapalasa and Mr. Malanji deteriorated after the opposition Member of Parliament refused to support the infamous constitutional amendment bill no.10 of 2019 for which the vehicle was allegedly gifted.

But TIZ Executive Director Maurice Nyambe says the revelation made by the Katuba lawmaker’s wife is tantamount to corrupt practices which are against tenets of good governance and must be investigated.

Mr. Nyambe has further challenged government to practice transparency by telling the country how much money was spent on promoting the failed constitutional amendment bill number 10 of 2019.

Against assertions by his wife, media reports suggest that the Katuba upnd lawmaker said he was given the motor vehicle by the pf as a token of appreciation for cleaning and fixing toilets at the pf secretariat in Lusaka which has since been impounded by police after he refused to support bill 10.



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