ACC Develops Layman’s Draft Bill on Asset Declaration and Liabilities


ACC Develops Layman’s Draft Bill on Asset Declaration and Liabilities

Government, through the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), has initiated the development of a layman’s draft Bill on Asset Declaration and Liabilities. This effort aims to promote transparency, accountability and good governance in the public sector.


✅ The drafting of the Bill on Asset Declaration and Liabilities is a major advancement in the fight against corruption and unethical practices among public servants.

✅ This legislation will enable lifestyle audits, ensuring public officials are accountable for how they acquire wealth. The aim is not to discourage wealth acquisition but to guarantee that all asset acquisitions are legitimate.

✅ ACC Director General Mr. Thom Shamakamba stated that the drafting of the layman’s Bill aligns with the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016.

✅ The Bill also supports the recently launched National Policy on Anti-Corruption, which emphasises the need to strengthen the legal framework by reviewing existing laws and introducing new ones to effectively combat corruption.

✅ Once the drafting of the layman’s Bill is complete, it will be submitted to the Cabinet Office for approval in principle.



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