By Balewa Zyuulu

The Anti-Corruption Commission –ACC- has seized properties worth over k22 million belonging to Former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo, property which is suspected to be proceeds of crime.

ACC Spokesperson Queen Chibwe says the properties seized include seven properties houses and subdivision farm number 609 all located in Lusaka’s Chamba Valley area.

Mrs Chibwe explains that the said properties were acquired and constructed by Mr. Lusambo using suspected proceeds of crime and the commission reasonably believes and suspects that the properties are still registered in another person’s name.

Further, Mrs. Chibwe says the seized properties are in connection with an ongoing investigation and in accordance with section 58(1) of the anti-corruption act of No. 3 of 2012.

Mr Lusambo was recently arrested by the commission for being in possession of properties suspected to be proceeds of crime worth US$ 378,000.



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