Kennedy Kamba

We have stated before that one thing the minority haters of President Edgar Lungu should know is that they will not manage to sway majority Zambians into believing their bitterness, frustrations and the ill feelings they habor against him, Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka Province Chairperson Kennedy Kamba has said.

Mr Kamba says Brebner Changala the UPND cadre who masquerades as Human Rights and Governance Expert has been on a smear campaign, claiming President Lungu will be retired by Zambians come August 12.

Changala, he says, knows very well that President Lungu is dearly loved by Zambians because he is by far the most favourite to win the forthcoming general elections as prescribed even the latest opinion polls.

The Provincial Chairperson says President Lungu has won the hearts of many Zambians and they love him for his selflessness.

He says” Other contenders in the elections cannot match the calibre of President Lungu.

Mr Kamba says President Lungu has put service above self during his tenure and he has prioritised the plight of Zambians.

“The citizenry love him for that and that’s why he enjoys massive support in this country.

The old English adage goes ” You cannot bring down a good man.” President Lungu’s genuine selflessness and love for this country speaks for him in the hearts of the majority citizenry. Indeed Alebwelelapo Pamupando! His agenda to transform Zambia by implementing the PF Manifesto will continue even after August 12 because there will be no change of Government,” he says.

“Zambians love the PF because it’s their own agenda, a people’s movement from 2011 when it assumed power. And this agenda will not be disrupted by a few selfish leaders. Zambians will defend President Lungu from haters like Chnagala through the ballot,”.

Mr Kamba says “Our appeal to Zambians is that continue ignoring haters because President Lungu is a good man who loves this country and he is working round the clock to meet people’s expectations.

We want all good Zambians, he says, out there, the right thinking members of the public and all stakeholders to be wary of the malicious schemes that are being orchestrated to label President Edgar Lungu, institutions of governance and indeed the PF as corrupt.

“As the ruling party, we are aware that our opponents in the opposition, the self-acclaimed Civil Rights Activists and some frustrated and bitter leaders of some NGO’s and some media organisations, are pushing their selfish agenda of change of government, and have ganged up to try by whatever means possible to dent the image of President Lungu before Zambians.

These machinations are extremely unacceptable and we want the public to be wary of this dirty campaign against their beloved President Edgar Lungu,”Mr Kamba says.

For the record, he says, President Lungu has said time and again that he hates corruption, any sort of dirty deals and all related vices.

Mr Kamba says corruption has actually been an enemy number one of the PF, time and again, President Lungu has said he will not shield anybody found wanting in this area of corruption or related criminality.

He says it is, therefore, extremely unacceptable that people like Brebner Changala and some media institutions who are busy insulting the integrity of State House and downplaying the successes of President Lungu as we run towards August 12 elections.

“These attempts of trying to embarrass President Lungu are unacceptable and we want to warn Changala and his cohorts to stop hallucinating because President Lungu is going nowhere after August 12. He will be in State House because he will win the elections,” he says


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