Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Reminds Noel Nkhoma
Let us test the facts we usually state ;
● PF left price of 25kg breakfast mealie-meal at K120. It’s now at at K320.
● PF left the price of fuel at K17 per litre. It’s now at K29.9 per litre.
● PF left the price of fertiliser the FISP K600 and now is at K800 to K1,200.
● PF left the price of electricity low including connections fee was at K700 but is now at K7,700 minimum.
● PF left the exchange rate for dollar at K15.89 it’s now at K23.8
● PF left foreign reserves at $3.1billion, the reserves are now at $2.7billion.
● PF left national strategic maize grain reserves with Food Reserve Agency of 1.5million metric tonnes which is 7.5 months national supply. There is now basically two months supply being held by FRA!
Recently Government announced plans to import maize supply for 10 months.
8. PF built schools, colleges, universities. PF expanded classes by 14,237 classrooms for primary schools, 4,600 classrooms for secondary school and increased public universities from 2 to 7.
● It also built 110 secondary schools.
● PF built 650 health centres, 99 mini hospitals, 65 district hospitals and upgraded numerous clinics to level hospitals.
● PF built roads and bridges and specifically Township roads in many districts.
● PF built new dams
● PF uprated generation capacity from 1,600 megawatts to 3,500 megawatts and ended in loadshedding.
● PF built international airports and upgraded regional airstrip.
So what is my brother Noel Nkhoma talking about?
● PF foreign debt was at $12.9billion. Noel Nkhoma must explain why the debts is now sitting at $18billion ( $14.2billion + $3.8billion interest).
Let Noel Nkhoma also disclose how much they have borrowed since December 2021.
● Nkhoma may also take interest why there is a spike in large-scale acts of corruption.
On the successes Let him tell us about UPND successes and their CDF.

If you are chased from the house and leave your children with a bag of mealie mealie bought on credit 7 years earlier at K100 at 50% monthly interest, how much do you think they will pay after 9 years of default? STUPID IDIOT.
Mu uzeni idiot Mwamba. Meanwhile he is living comfortably and enjoying from investments in properties dubiously acquired yet pretending to speak for the poor.
Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba likes misinform people even on straight forward issues n an effort to deceive the gullible.
I will just pick a few things from list he he given but everything else he has writen is not entirely true.
PF found the exchange rate at K4.8 but left it at K23. They found mealie meal at K39 and left it K170, fuel at K7.9 left it at K17 with subsidies included. Let me also add that PF found economic growth at over 8% but left it at -2.8%, debt at $1.2 billion and left at over $12.8billiom (internal debt only). And talking about infrastructure, anyone can do miracles with borrowed money so it’s not a record to be proud of since the debt burden left was unsustainable to the same infrastructure. It would have made sense if they built the said infrastructure without borrowing or borrowed at sustainable levels but that’s was not the case and that’s one of the main reasons the country is struggling to move forward because of the same unsustainable debt levels. I can go on and on but people like Mr. will still deliberately opt to inform people for their own selfish agenda.
Meant left fuel at K17 with subsidies included.
Emmanuel you have continued with when patriotic fools took over government,
Mealie meal was K50
Exchange rate K5
Fuel K7
Debt 1 billion
Reserves 6 billion
Fra 3.6 billion tons some was going to waste in site light depots.