Innocent Kalimanshi

SELF-PROCLAIMED Patriotic Front national commander Innocent Kalimanshi and eight others have been taken to court over the intraparty violence which characterised the party secretariat on May 1, 2021 during Chishimba Kambwili’s return to the PF.

The nine are facing charges of criminal trespass, assault and malicious damage to property before the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court.

The leader of delinquent group of youths known as “Americans” claimed to be President Edgar Lungu’s “backbone” and vowed not to relent supporting him as the group’s aim was to fill up the PF boat.

“Amelica kukosa tuli bantu baba Edgar Lungu ifwe, tatwakaleke uku supporter ba Lungu tulefwaya bonse abaya bakabwele mu party (Being an ‘American’ is not for the fainthearted, we are President Lungu’s sympathizers, we will not stop to support him, we want to ensure that old members of the PF who left the party return),” said Kalimanshi and his followers.

Kalimanshi, 40, a businessman of house no. D50 Salama Park, is jointly charged with Donald Kampamba, 46, a businessman of Kabanana, James Sakala, 43, a politician of house no. 2150 Matero and Samuel Kabalambwe 42, a businessman of plot 17/7 Chawama, for criminal trespass.

Allegations in the first count are that Kalimanshi, Kampamba, Sakala and Kabalambwe on May 1, 2021, whilst acting together, entered the premises of the Patriotic Front secretariat with intent to annoy.

In the second and third counts, Kalimanshi is on the same date alleged to have assaulted Theresa Sampa and Hellen Mwansa and occasioned them actual bodily harm.

Kalimanshi and his co-accused pleaded not guilty to the charges before magistrate Felix Kaoma.

The four were admitted to K10,000 cash bail on a condition that they provide two working sureties from reputable organisations bound on a similar sum to be paid in their own recognisance.

This was after their five lawyers, among them Mwelwa Mutale, Anthony Mwila and Binwell Mutakula, made an application that the quartet be granted bail pursuant to section 123(1) of the criminal procedure code, as they were charged with bailable offences.

The lawyers said the accused were of fixed abode and not a flight risk and therefore would abide by the bail conditions set by the court.

Kalimanshi’s lawyers further asked the court to compel the police to allow their client seek medical attention as he was badly injured and bed ridden without the police issuing him with a medical report since his detention.

Magistrate Kaoma granted the bail application and adjourned the matter to June 7 for commencement of trial.

Meanwhile, five of the PF cadres denied damaging Kalimanshi’s motor vehicle before magistrate Faidess Hamaundu.

Bright Musonda, 38, a business, Keith Musonda, 45, a businessman, Kelvin Chisanga, a youth treasurer, Gift Lupiya, 34, a politician and Nector Sinyangwe, 34, a youth chairman are facing a charge of malicious damage to property.

It is alleged that the five on May 1 this year willfully and unlawfully damaged an unregistered Ford Ranger belonging to Kalimanshi, which is valued at K700,000.

Musonda, Chisanga, Musonda, Lupiya and Sinyangwe who are represented by Kennedy Mambwe, were equally granted K5,000 cash bail by magistrate Hamaundu on a condition that they provide two working sureties each from credible institutions bound on a similar sum in their own recognizance.

Magistrate Hamaundu adjourned the matter to May 24 for commencement of trial.

Kalimanshi who had been on the wanted list of the police for offences of assault, was confined behind bars when he went to report his assailants.

The rest were apprehended after the Head of State warned the Inspector General of police to ensure that perpetrators of the barbarism face the law.


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