A plane carrying the opposition leader in Kenya, Raila Odinga, was stoned with by rowdy youths in Kabenes, Uasin Gishu County on Friday.

The leader of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Odinga, confirmed the news in a statement issued immediately after the attack.

“In the event that took place at Kabenes in Uasin Gishu, youths attacked my plane, destroying the air shield with rocks that were clearly aimed at me. On my way to the plane, they had pelted my vehicles with stones. I thank the security officers who did everything to ensure our safety,” read part of the statement.

The incident took place when Odinga and other leaders allied attended the burial of businessman, Mr. Jackson Kibor, in the area Star reported.

According to Suna-East Member of Parliament, Junet Mohamed, who was one of the leaders on board, the attack was organized by political rivals who mobilized, armed and paid the youths to cause mayhem and disorder.

In his remarks, Uasin Gishu County Commander, Ayub Gitonga, said no arrests have been made so far but they have launched investigations into the incident.

Kenya will hold general elections on 9 August 2022, where voters will elect the president, members of the National Assembly and Senate, and various other positions.

The months before and after, elections have been the most violent periods in Kenya’s since 1992. The least violent presidential polls have been in 2002 and 2013.

In 2017, at least 37 people, including three children, were killed in the protests that followed the announcement of the elections result in the country.


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