Antonio Mwanza


Let me express my profound gratitude to His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Secretary General of the mighty Patriotic Front for appointing me PF MEDIA DIRECTOR.

It’s a great honour and privilege that I don’t take for granted. I promise to use every ounce of my knowledge and wisdom to PROMOTE and DEFEND the Party and the President. No form of lies, misinformation or propaganda from the Opposition will go unchallenged. We will do our best as a team to properly market PF and ECL.

To comrade Sunday Chanda, I want to simply say MWABOMBENI. Thank you for all the great things you have done for our Party. We will always be grateful and we will always seek your counsel whenever we are stark. I wish you nothing but success in Kanchibiya.

To my fellow cadres, let’s hold hands and push till victory is certain.


Zikomo and God bless you all.

Sunday Chanda
Sunday Chanda


8th May 2021

I wish to thank His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu for the trust and confidence he placed in me over the last five years as Media Director for the ruling Patriotic Front.

The last five years have been the best in my political journey. I have made mistakes but I also grew with the many lessons I learnt with each and every experience. I will always cherish my years as media director.

I wish to thank the Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila for every opportunity he accorded me to perform my duties – a tough but supportive supervisor!

Let me thank the Members of the Central Committee, the Ministers, Members of Parliament, Party structures and ordinary members of the Party for the support you gave me over the last five years. PF is a great family!

The Team at the Secretariat – you guys became my family and I will always remain a part of you. Over the last five years, I have defended the Party with all my heart, soul and body – won new friends and enemies alike – it comes with the space. I have no regrets except to day I gave it my best sometimes under very difficult circumstances but I’m glad I did what was expected of me.

To my former deputy media director and now Media Director of our great Party, a friend and colleague, Antonio Mwanza aka CYBORG- I have no doubt that you will excel in your new role. No need for Alangizi! 😎 You can be assured of my support as always.

To the PF Media Committee, I’ll always be a part of you!!!

Last but not the least, my family, the media fraternity, thank you for the support you gave. You made my job worth every effort. Our bonds remain unbreakable!

As I pursue a slightly different frontier as a representative of the Great People of Kanchibiya, I ask for God’s grace, courage and wisdom. I will count on you all.

Shalom Shalom!

God bless Zambia.

_Issued by:_

_Sunday Chilufya Chanda_
_Former PF Media Director &_
_Patriotic Front Parliamentary Candidate_
_Kanchibiya Constituency_
_Muchinga Province_


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