_PART 1_


…This is like a Make it Or Break it Sort of an affair; A Piece Of Advice Should be honored like an all white dove…..

By; Cornel Zimba

I am writing this with a heavy heart embedded in pain curved by perennial and avoidable disappointment which has been artificially erected to frustrate deep rooted PF members during this ongoing voter registration exercise. Why do i say so? Here are the facts:

1. Firstly, PF seems so comfortable as though we have already won the elections whereby leaving tight doors loosen. On the other hand, Upnd is taking this process with great seriousness it deserves.

2. We have witnessed Upnd ferrying cadres from Mazabuka to Lusaka to have them registered while PF leaders are comfortably seated in their aircon offices and believing all is well.

3. More voter registration kits have been dotted throughout southern province and our hands are folded waiting for Jesus Christ to come and help us.

4. Upnd has planted people in strategic places to facilitate the process while PF is busy as usual and not taking things with the seriousness it deserves.

5. Upnd’s target is to swallow three major stronghold provinces for PF and we still think life is as normal as it used to be 3-4 years ago.

6. We saw how MMD leaders started hiding in curves and if that does not remind us and the leadership per say, then we better start doing press ups in readiness for jail.

7. During NRC registration process, a handful of PF members of Parliament went to their constituencies to sensitize the constituents on the need of getting NRCs. On contrast, Upnd MPs mobilized themselves in every possible aspect. Not to mention the downfall of Bill 10 as a sign.

8. PF members have become too arrogant to emulate what our friends are doing worse than MMD regime.

9. Upnd knows how to hold each other’s hand in this moment because they know that the election has already commenced in the making, while PF is still holding on till the right time approaches. When is the right time?

10. In Upnd strongholds, people are turning up in numbers even when they are not yet in power, why can’t PF also mobilize enough resources to bring more people to register?

The time to act fast is now! If there is going to be a future for PF, then that future should be seen now. If we are going to win next year, better we start winning now. The more people register in our strongholds, the greater the chances of us to return power! I rest my case.


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