
…….steal over K20,000 from Cactus Financial Services.
By Oswald Sichone in Kafue

TWO male armed robbers of Somalian origin on Thursday morning staged a robbery at Kafue River Mall and stole K21, 000 cash from Cactus Financial Services.

Kafue Police Officer In-Charge Jason Lungu confirmed the incident to Kafue Times but declined to give more details of the matter and refered further queries to Lusaka Division Commanding Officer, James Masiye who could not be reached by press time.

A source familiar with the case told Kafue Times that the two suspected male Somalian Nationals who where armed with two pistols staged an Aggravated Robbery at Kafue River Mall on Thursday, 24th March around 11:00 hours and managed to steal K21,00 cash from Cactus Financial Services.

“What happened is that around 11:00 the only staff who was manning Cactus Financial Services at our local mall went to buy food from within the Mall. After some few minutes he came back to his office and found two suspected Somalia nationals outside his office waiting” the source said.

They source told KT that the two armed robbers took advantage of the location of the office which is in the corner.

“When he found the two men standing outside his office, he thought they were genuine clients who needed help, so he opened his office door and locked from behind as he stood by the counter in order to attend to them. But he got a rude shock when he saw the two men produce pistols and pointed at him as they demanded for money”

The source disclosed that one of the two armed robbers jumped over to the counter and pinned the Staff to the floor as the other armed robber was getting the money from the drawers which amounted to K21,000.

After getting the money, the two armed robbers locked the Cactus Financial Services staff inside the office and went away.

The victim was only rescued by a passerby who heard the victim struggling as he attempted to unlock the door.


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