Attempting to compare Oranges with Lemons; case of Bally & Adada


A Lusaka resident has appealed to the Notorious Patriotic Front (NPF), a political party best known for looting the treasury and unleashing the worst atrocities against citizens when they were in power, to consider forcing Adada out of retirement as he’s apparently the only one capable of ousting Bally from power! Whatever our brother is smoking or drinking must be very strong.

What capacity iwe Musoma…..sha! We thought Bally should be more wary of Kalaba or M’membe than a spent force supposedly squatting in Ibex Hill! In our view, of course Adada remains a force to reckon with in terms of putting up a spectacular and extravagant campaign machinery, thanks to looting the treasury and corrupt practices; otherwise he doesn’t pose a single threat to Bally, real or imagined, whose leadership attributes are exceptionally great!

We therefore find Musoma’s suggestion not only ludicrous, but laughable and embarrassing to Adada himself as well! How can you honestly attempt to compare a sleek BMW with truck yamilando (imboloma)…..a run down vehicle or indeed Oranges with Lemons?

Whereas Bally is supremely articulate and eloquent and is able to keep his audiences captivated; the other one speaks incoherently, he literally waffles and sends his audiences to sleep!

Whereas Bally is known to belong to a church where he’s also an elder; the other one has a reputation of frequenting night clubs and casinos!

Whereas Bally has a track record of sponsoring orphans and vulnerable children in colleges and universities; the other one has a history of splurging his money on Jameson and women!

Whereas Bally has tamed his cadres, the other one allowed them to unleash a reign of terror and havoc amongst helpless opponents!

Whereas Bally is encouraging citizens to form cooperatives so as to compete for business opportunities; the other one had no qualms seeing his officials grab all the government contracts!

Whereas Bally is utilising talent from every corner of the nation; the other one sidelined those from certain regions!

Whereas Bally has allowed him to enjoy his freedom of association and movement to the extent of even disrupting traffic with his early morning jogs; the other one was threatening to lock him up immediately after winning the elections and throw away the keys!

Whereas Bally is able to face the media and subject himself to intense interrogations; the other one shied away from putting himself within the firing range the 7 years he was in power!

Whereas Bally is comfortable in the company of visionary leaders such as Kagame; the other one relished rubbing shoulders with dictators such as Museveni!

Whereas Bally has availed his vision for the nation time and again; the other one confessed he had no vision of his own!

How dare you insult our intelligence, Musoma! Your Edgar doesn’t belong to the same league as Hakainde who’s currently plying his trade in the Champions’ league.

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


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