Ba Lungu…..Stop Mocking Us!

Edgar Lungu

In one of the articles I churned out earlier this year titled, “Will Edgar Lungu Pull A Quick One?” I observed that Lungu hasn’t quite retired from politics. I predicated that as we approach 2026, stage-managed calls for the former president to come back into politics will rise to a crescendo. In the fullness of time, the humble leader would invite the media to his Ibex Hill plush mansion and declare that he’s been compelled to run for public office again due to public demand. It seems the pieces are already beginning to fast fall into place.

It’s even surprising that those who consider themselves to be crafty and shrewd policians such as Chishimba Kambwili and Godfrey B. Mwamba could not read through such cheap schemes right from beginning. The other day, some women “waylaid” Lungu during his usual morning jogging and cried bitterly. They complained they are suffering under the UPND government.

“You are the only one we consider as president, we don’t know Hichilema. Please come back us and liberate us,” one of them can be heard complaining in Nyanja.

The jumble leader is again seen in a video on social media excitedly exchanging fist bumps and high fives with some kids. This is a choreographed strategy to portray him as a loving father to the public. As the plot continues to thicken, you should expect more individuals of different hues and shades to continue flocking to Ibex Hill for photo opts – students, labour leaders, the clergy, traditional leaders etc.

President Edgar Lungu must not dare take the people of Zambia for granted. He should stop mocking us! The country witnessed the worst atrocities under his brutal regime! Do we surely need to remind him his cadres used to pry open mouths of journalists and urinate in them? Has he forgotten that he closed our favourite The Post Newspapers and equally shut down the popular Prime TV station, institutions he considered critical of his government? Didn’t his cadres gouge out our eyes or hack us with pangas? Who killed Chibulo Mapenzi…..Grazier Mutapa…..Lawrence Banda? Who gassed us in our homes during our sleep? Did Lungu allow the opposition, particularly HH to interact with would-be voters? Weren’t the markets and stations “No Go Zones!” for UPND members? Who stripped our students of mealie meal allowances? Did Lungu avail CDF to opposition strongholds on time? Does he need reminding that his government and party officials became instant millionaires…..they’ve colossal sums of money stashed in their houses, and boast of fleets of cars and mansions everywhere!

Stop hiding in your so-called morning exercises, Sir! Be a man and declare your intentions now so that we can tackle you fairly and squarely!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


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