Chilufya Tayali



With Chilufya Tayali’s revelation, it is indication that the principle of survival knows no morality anymore in Zambia. It also shows why all the sudden we have very rich and powerful cadres yet with millions of poor civil servants and graduates failing to find jobs. It also indicates why today PF government is like a chiefdom were opportunities are given to either family members, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends and on tribal line in a country with 73 tribes with intermarriages. We are on a free fall motion as a nation were all convicts are being cleansed by praising Mr Lungu making our judges and lawyers look like they never went to school and can hardly use their common sense.

Right now it doesn’t matter what crime you may be battling with before our abused courts. If you need your freedom just join PF and Zumani Zimba,Kaizer Zulu, Kampyongo and others will call the judge to acquittal you. I feel pit for genuine judges in these courts.When the story of an arrest of a Mr Chilufya Tayali first broke, I was one of the few to have felt he did not deserve arrest but, praise for Act of patriotism.

No person from Mr Lungu’s inner circle will dare to do what Tayali did they are indeed cowards who cannot tell him that bwana you are not eligible for these upcoming elections sit down on the other side president Edgar Lungu fear Kalimanshi and his troops more than be fear we Zambians. There’s no one in PF who can confront the president and ask him to stop sponsoring thugs like we have been doing and now Tayali Chilufya coming out openly to join our crusade for justice. That was a selfless act of patriotism that most of us have been championing for many years. Unfortunately, instead of him awarded a medal of distinguished service he was put in a jail cell just like some of us have been put on the most wanted list.

Watch the video that sent Chilufya to jail and tell me if he deserved to be arrested. If what Chilufya Tayali said in that video amounts to defamation of the president and we the people allow it, then this year’s campaign will have limited vocabulary. Anyway, Chilufya now understands why most of us never sleep in our houses anymore. We just go there to change and shower without soap and run away for our safety.Yesterday, I wasn’t shocked to hear an operative talk about his covert operations to destroy our democracy, remember fellow country men and women I have served the UN secretary General of PF and Mr Lungu’s plans ahead of the August elections. However, I am happy that he Chilufya first confessed his forgiveness and asked for forgiveness. Through his actions, people lost lives but, he has begged to be forgiven though he is like hydrogen in the periodic table very unpredictable man. Who are we not to forgive him? We would ask him for one thing though, that he must visit Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda relatives and ask the family for forgiveness too.

Before the cell, this is a young man who was always at the front roll sit championing Bill 10 and all for money and survival, God doesn’t like such ways of making money. We thank him for confessing. Nevertheless, suppose that Bill passed? How would he have done. Bane let us stand up for Zambia. If we leave this country in PF’s hands for another five years you will all remember my words when it will be too late.

Sikaile C Sikaile
Good Governance and Human Rights Activist for Zambia and Amnesty International



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