Biden praises Haley’s ‘courage’ as he tries to nab her voters


“It takes a lot of courage to run for president – that’s especially true in today’s Republican Party, where so few dare to speak the truth about Donald Trump,” President Joe Biden said in a written statement shortly after Nikki Haley’s formal announcement to suspend her campaign.

Quote Message: Nikki Haley was willing to speak the truth about Trump: about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before Vladimir Putin.”
Nikki Haley was willing to speak the truth about Trump: about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before Vladimir Putin.”

Biden then appealed to Haley’s supporters, telling them that “there is a place for them in my campaign”.

Haley exceeded expectations as the last Republican candidate standing against Trump, largely propped up by moderate Republicans and independent voters looking for a Trump alternative.

Biden’s campaign has started courting those voters immediately.


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